Decoding Ineffectiveness: Recognizing Red Flags in Your Salesforce Partner Relationship

When it comes to tech partnerships, teaming up with Salesforce partner is a big deal for customer relations. But let's be real - not every partnership is golden. In this article, we'll help you figure out if your Salesforce Partner is holding up their end of the bargain and help ensure your tech investments are actually boosting growth. So, let's dive into the various red flags encountered.

Poor Communication 

It has become a well-known statement that if a vendor struggles to communicate effectively or doesn't grasp your business needs, it's a red flag. But what actually makes communication poor? There are some precise indicators:

  1. Irregular communication and “if you don’t ask - I don’t tell” attitude.

  2. Lack of initiative in providing status updates.

  3. Silencing problems, not speaking up about problems.

  4. Tacit consent with all suggestions and edits.

  5. Lack of transparency and poorly articulated project changes.

  6. Lack of written artifacts or poor artifact’ structure.

  7. Tangible language barrier.

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Rigidity in Approach

A partner unwilling to adapt to your specific requirements is not the right fit. Here are some signs your partner lacks flexibility:

  • They offer standard solutions “which work for everyone.” Yes, there are industry benchmarks, but no, you are not everyone. 

  • They don’t bother to run in-depth discovery of your business context, customer needs, and stakeholders' requirements.

  • They perceive changes painfully, no matter how well or in time they are articulated.

Overpromising and Underdelivering

If a partner makes grand promises without a realistic plan, it could lead to disappointment. Look for reliability over flashy commitments. There are some simple ways to spot an overpromise: ask them about the technology stack behind the proposed solution and the precise - not abstract - outputs of the proposed solutions. Consistently missing deadlines is also a clear sign of a lack of organizational skills or commitment.

Reluctance to Provide References

A reputable partner should be willing to share success stories and client references. If they hesitate, it might indicate a lack of positive experiences or a lack of processing and analysis of their own experience.

Hidden Cost

Unexpected fees or undisclosed expenses can strain your budget. Ensure that all costs are transparently discussed and agreed upon from the start. Yes, it is impossible to foresee every situation and change in strategy, as customer expectations change rapidly. But if unexpected costs become habitual and repeatable, it is a huge red flag.

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Low or Absent Investments in Employees

Salesforce is constantly expanding and updating its products and technologies. This requires Salesforce developers and consultants to continuously learn and pass related certifications so that their skills stay up-to-date. If your vendor does not systematically invest in teams’ education, it is a huge risk for the relevance and resilience of their solutions. 

So, there you have it – the guide to recognizing red flags in your Salesforce partnership. Remember, effective communication, flexibility, reliability, transparency, and a commitment to ongoing education are key elements for a successful alliance. If your partner falls short in these areas, it might be time for a reassessment. Don't settle for less than a partnership that propels your business forward. Keep these flags in mind, navigate wisely, and ensure your Salesforce journey is a smooth sail towards growth and success. Happy partnering!

Sparkybit, Salesforce consulting and development company. We make Salesforce perform at its best by fitting it to Clients’ custom business needs. 9 years of sharpened expertise, 25+ successful long-term projects globally.

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