Forum Replies Created

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  • madhulika shah

    July 25, 2018 at 12:55 pm in reply to: How to write a roll up trigger in a look up relationship?

    Hi Anurag,

    Display a number of contacts in each account. Create a custom field "number_of_contacts" in Account object and write a trigger on contact object.

    For code please refer to th link-

  • madhulika shah

    July 23, 2018 at 9:58 am in reply to: How to authorize a deployment connection in an Salesforce?

    Hello Shradha,

    To authorize a Deployment Connection in salesforce, follow these steps:

    1. In your org, click Setup, enter Deployment in the Quick Find box, then select Deployment Settings.
    2. Click Edit next to the organization from which you want to receive outbound change sets.
    3. Select Allow Inbound Changes and click Save.
  • madhulika shah

    July 19, 2018 at 9:41 am in reply to: Can a Query Activity update a Data Extension in real time?

    Hi Chanchal,

    Yes, a query activity can update the data extension in real time. You would need to:

    1. Create a new data extension containing a subscriber/recipient field as the Primary Key and also add boolean fields for link1, link2, link3, etc.
    2. Create a Query Activity to update the Data Extension you created from Step 1 so that it updates the boolean fields in the DE for each recipient.
    3. Create a one-to-one cardinal relationship to the data extension you created in step 1 in Contact Builder, mapping the recipient identifer back to the Contact Key of the Contact Record.
    4. Now you can use Split conditions from journey builder to update the data extension.
  • madhulika shah

    July 19, 2018 at 9:25 am in reply to: What is the lifecycle of an application in Salesforce?

    Hi Shradha,

    Lifecycle of an application is the process of managing an app’s development, from design to final release. It establishes a framework for managing changes. There are four steps in lifecycle of an application:

    1. Plan - An app starts with planning. This step includes requirements gathering and analysis.
    2. Build -  The development is done on the Salesforce platform using declarative tools. These tools are available in the user interface and are programmatic tools such as Apex, Visualforce, and Lightning Components.
    3. Test - The app is tested to verify that the changes behave as expected and don’t cause undesired side-effects.
    4. Deploy - When testing is successfully completed and the quality benchmarks have been met, the app can be deployed to production.
  • Hi Avnish,

    Below are the list of tools available in salesforce lightning:

    1. Browser : Google Chrome
    2. Browser Debugger: Chrome DevTools
    3. DevTools Extension: Salesforce Lightning Inspector
    4. Editor: IDE
  • Hi Chanchal,

    You can use Lightning Components directly in Lightning Experience, the Salesforce1 Mobile app, template-based communities, and custom standalone apps. You can include Lightning components in a Visualforce page, allowing you to use them in Salesforce Classic, Console, and Visualforce-based communities.

  • Hi Shradha,

    Below are some advantages of using Automation Studio in Marketing Cloud:

    1. Performs specific actions like transferring and extracting data or sending an email.
    2. Easy to use and understand.
    3. Its activities are reusable.
    4. The Activities page shows all configured activities in one place, including activities used in multiple automations and activities that are not included in an automation.
    5. It has Options ie. each activity includes a set of options in its row. The options available depend on the activity type.
  • Hello Prachi,

    Data Extensions are repository or list of emails to send. Data extension is made up of any combinations of these field types:

    1. Text - letters, numbers, and spaces.
    2. Number - Decimal values are not supported.
    3. Date - A system date. You can use an AMPscript function to format this value when you present it in a message.
    4. Boolean - A 0 or 1 value.
    5. Email Address - An email address.
    6. Phone - A phone number. Accepts any string with 10 or 11 digits in it and strips out non-digit characters.
    7. Decimal - A number with a decimal point.
    8. Local – ISO Country & Language codes
  • madhulika shah

    July 17, 2018 at 9:20 am in reply to: Why should we go for Salesforce Lightning Component?

    Hello Prachi,

    Salesforce has been promoting lightning but that doesn't mean visualforce is gone. Visualforce enables developers to build custom user interfaces with a native hosting on the platform. Visualforce enables developers to build custom user interfaces with a native hosting on the platform.

    Lightning framework aligns with Salesforce user interface strategy to empower users with highly immersive and interactive experience but involves a steep learning curve in comparison to Visualforce. Since application building is an inherent part of Lightning, it is considered a bit more complex than Visualforce.

    Both the frameworks encompass some pros and cons associated with them. If you are developing for a Salesforce1 mobile app, you should prefer Lightning framework and if you want to create a page-centric experience with limited client-side logic, you must opt Visualforce framework.

  • Top Down approach in SOAP-

    1. Top Down approach involves creating a WSDL and then creating the Web service using the WSDL file.
    2. In top-down approach, first you design the implementation of the Web service by creating a WSDL file. You can then create the Web service skeleton Java classes from the wsdl, and add the required code.

    Bottom Up approach in SOAP-

    1. When creating a web service using Bottom Up approach, first you write the java classes for the web service and then create the WSDL file and publish the web service.
    2. Although bottom-up Web service development may be faster and easier, the top-down approach is the recommended way of creating a Web service.
  • JSON is the most preferred way of transferring data over web. We use this most in salesforce when integrating with an external system. In most of the integrations, you typically use HTTP Callouts to the end points defined by various services, and the most common response format returned by these is JSON. Parsing this JSON would be very time consuming . One way of doing this would be manually parsing the complete JSON using the JSONParser method but Deserialization parsing method is better because

    <Class/Object> n = (<Class/Object>)JSON.deserialize('JSON', <Class/Object>.class);

    This one statement would completely deserialize the JSON and store the values in the respective member variables of the class.

  • madhulika shah

    July 10, 2018 at 6:15 am in reply to: What is community cloud model in Salesforce?

    Community Cloud in Salesforce allows companies to create sites that connect customers, partners, and employees with correct information and experts and with each other.

  • madhulika shah

    July 10, 2018 at 6:06 am in reply to: What is OAuth 2.0 protocol in Salesforce?

    The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables a third party to obtain a limited access to an HTTP service.It is an open protocol to allow secure authorization.

  • No, you can have n number of triggers in a single object and the best practice is to have all trigger operations into single  trigger with the if conditions.

  • madhulika shah

    July 3, 2018 at 1:24 pm in reply to: Why Salesforce Future Methods returns only void type?

    Future Methods return void type because it is an asynchronous process.

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