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Apex PMD

Visual Studio Code Extension
Apex PMD allows you to run static analysis on your Apex and Visualforce files. We can run Apex PMD on file open, on file save and there are a lot of other options that you can configure.
Additional Information
Developer: Charlie Jonas

Allows you to run Apex Static Analysis directly in vscode on apex & VisualForce files.

Current Actions Supported

  • Run analysis on file open
  • Run analysis on file save
  • Run analysis on file change (new!)
  • Run analysis on entire workspace
  • Run analysis on single file
  • Ability to define your own ruleset

System Requirements

  • Must have JRE >= 1.7 installed and in path
  • See PMD System Requirements for more details


  • rulesets (optional): set to override default ruleset (see "Defining your own ruleset" for more details)
  • runOnFileOpen: run every time a file is opened in vscode
  • runOnFileSave: run every time a file is saved
  • runOnFileChange: Run when a file is changed. NOTE: this is "debounced" to prevent performance issues. Delay can be adjusted via onFileChangeDebounce.
  • priorityErrorThreshold: Determines at what priority level 'errors' will be added. Anything less will be a warning or hint
  • priorityWarnThreshold: Determines at what priority level 'warnings' will be added. Anything less will be a hint
  • enableCache: Creates a cache file for PMD to run faster. Will create a .pmdCache file in your workspace
  • pmdBinPath (prev. pmdPath) (optional): set to override the default pmd binaries. This should point to the PMD folder which contains folders lib and bin. Most likely it is called libexec.
  • additionalClassPaths (optional): set of paths to be appended to classpath. Used to find jar files containing custom rule definitions. Can be absolute or relative to workspace.
  • commandBufferSize Size of buffer used to collect PMD command output (MB), may need to be increased for very large projects
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