Salesforce Navigator for Lightning
Get more done in Salesforce - list and search records, make new ones, create a task or log in as on the fly!
This extension helps you get to any Salesforce page quickly. Just type in what you need to do!
Compatible with Lightning and Classic
NOTE: If you have a custom instance Domain Name, you must create a CSP Trusted Site Definition for your Classic domain URL in order for this extension to work - more info here https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.lightning.meta/lightning/csp_trusted_sites.htm
Open the Navigator and [New Feature!] Use the account merge tool by typing "Merge Accounts <optional Account ID>"
Call the Classic Account Merge from either interface using the Account you are on and the Salesforce ID in your clipboard or enter into the command box. You can use a tool like Salesforce CopyPasteGo (https://summerlin.co/copypastego) to easily grab the ID of a Salesforce record

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