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Salesforce Query Editor

Visual Studio Code Extension
This extension brings the same functionality available in the Query Editor Tab in the Salesforce Developer Console to VS Code.
Additional Information
Developer: Allan Oricil

This extension brings the same functionality available in the Query Editor in the Salesforce Developer Console to VS Code.


  • [x] SOQL Builder.
  • [x] Execute SOQL Queries.
  • [x] Get SOQL Query Plans.
  • [x] Update, Create and Delete Records.
  • [x] Add Relationship Fields.
  • [x] Add Child-Parent Relationship Fields.
  • [x] Works with any VS Code Theme.
  • [x] Works side by side with your Apex Class.
  • [x] Access to Field Details, such as Name, Label, Required, Updateable, Groupable and more.
  • [x] Compact to not take away the space you have available while writing code.
  • [x] Works with Gitpod -


  • sfdx-cli/7.93.1-762bca056d
  • VS Code >= 1.57.0 IT DOES NOT WORK ON 1.56.0

How to Use

IMPORTANT Set a "defaultusername" before opening the extension. IMPORTANT

How to open the Salesforce Query Editor

There are three ways to open the editor.

Using the File Explorer Context

In the file explorer, click with the right button on any Apex class to see the option SFDX: Salesforce Query Editor in the Menu.

Using the Editor Context

Open an Apex class and click with the right button anywhere in the editor context to see the option SFDX: Salesforce Query Editor in the Menu.

Using the Editor Navigation Context

Open an Apex class and click on the button shown in the image below. This button only appears when editing Apex classes.

How to add a query, or update it, in the Apex Class without copy and paste

  • Open an Apex Class
  • Open the Salesforce Query editor extension
  • Create/Write your query
  • Click anywhere in the Apex class to set the cursor/anchor where you want to place the query.
  • If the cursor/anchor is anywhere inside a soql query (inside the []), the Update Apex button appears. Use it to quickly update queries without having to copy and paste.
  • If the cursor/anchor is anywhere else in the class, the Add to Apex button appears. Use it to quickly place new queries, for instance, in for loops.

How to perform CRUD Operations

  • Query an Id field and at least one updateable field to show a table in edit mode and the delete button.
  • Every table cell is in edit mode by default when you query the Id and one updateable field.
  • If you want to discard all of your changes for a record, click on the cancel button or click anywhere in that row and then press ESC key.
  • If you want to discard all changes of every record, click on the cancel button that is on the top right corner of the table.
  • To create a new record click on the New Record button that is on the top right corner of the table.
  • If all the changes you did for that record are saved without any errors, the record changes back to read mode and the cancel button vanishes. If the changes are not accepted by Salesforce, a modal appears with detailed information about what went wrong, and the record stays on edit state. You can choose to fix the errors or cancel the changes.
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