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Standard report types in salesforce | report folder creation
Reports provide information about Accounts.
Reports provide information about Contacts in salesforce.
Reports provide information about opportunities.
Reports provide information about forecasts.
Reports provide information about products and sales pipeline.
we can get organization's lead information through reports. -
Deserializes the specified JSON string into an Apex object of the specified type.
The Audit Trail helps you track the recent Setup changes that you and other administrators have made to your organization. This is especially useful in organizations with multiple administrators. The setup Audit Trail history shows you the 20 most recent Setup changes made to your organization.
Workflow is one of the most powerful native tools available in Salesforce. ... Workflow is business logic that evaluates records as they are created and updated and determines if an automated action needs to occur. In a way it allows records to speak up or do something – update data, notify people or external systems.
Selective SOQL Query Criteria. A query is selective when one of the query filters is on an indexed field and the query filter reduces the resulting number of rows below a system-defined threshold. The performance of the SOQL query improves when two or more filters used in the WHERE clause meet the mentioned conditions.
A Primary key is a column or set of columns that uniquely identifies the record in the table. When a primary key is defined using multiple columns, the data from each column is used to determine whether a record/row is unique.
Bucketing lets you quickly categorize report records without creating a formula or a custom field within Salesforce. When you create a bucket field, you define multiple categories (buckets) that are used to group report values. We have created simple step by step instructions on how to create this report.
Accounts. Use accounts to store information about customers or individuals you do business with. There are two types of accounts. Business accounts store information about companies. Person accounts store information about individual people.
"Serialization" is what occurs when binary computer memory is converted into a format that can be transferred to disk or over a network connection. In Salesforce (and most other web-based platforms), this is commonly called the "view state". The view state contains information about the memory contents of variables.
The Opportunity object connects Accounts to Products. Products are organized in Pricebooks and selected as Opportunity Line Items to create a list of items the customer wants to buy. The Opportunity is also related to Forecasts through the Stage and Percentage fields
Queues are the places where records are placed until they are not assigned to any of the user who will work on that record or who will have the responsibility of that record. In Salesforce, record is assigned to a user by making the user its owner, the owner works on it & have the full responsibility of that record.
Approval Process in Salesforce is an automated process that automates how Salesforce records are approved in your org. Salesforce approval process is a combination of steps for a record to be approved/rejected either by a user, queue or public groups.
It's a lightweight, modern and free IDE created by Microsoft that provides features for working with development organisations or orgs (scratch orgs, sandboxes, and DE orgs), Apex, Aura components, and Visualforce. It runs on any platform (Windows, Mac and Linux) and it's free and open source.
A group consists of a set of users. A group can contain individual users, other groups, or the users in a particular role or territory. It can also contain the users in a particular role or territory plus all the users below that role or territory in the hierarchy.
MemberApril 14, 2020 at 1:49 pm in reply to: What is the purpose of namespace in salesforce?Namespace Prefix. The Salesforce application supports the use of namespace prefixes . Namespace prefixes are used in managed AppExchange packages to differentiate custom object and field names from names used by other organizations.
Omni-Channel is a newer Salesforce feature released as a Beta in Summer '15 and GA as of the Winter '16 release. ... Omni-Channel is a tool that sits inside of either the Sales or Service Console that, once enabled and configured, automatically pushes work to your users in real time.
Show Custom Object Data for Your Users. Custom tabs let you display custom object data or other web content in Salesforce. When you add a custom tab to an app in Salesforce Classic, it displays as a tab. When you add a custom tab to an app in Lightning Experience, it displays as an item in the app's navigation bar
Utility classes are helper classes that consisits of reusable methods. From triggers we can call methods in such public classes. This helps to reduce code with in trigger and make it more structured.
MemberApril 13, 2020 at 12:29 pm in reply to: What is the use of startTest() and stopTest() in Salesforce?startTest() and Test. stopTest() exist primarily to allow you to reset the governor limits within the context of your test execution and to be able to test asynchronous methods. These two statements cannot be called more than once within a testMethod.
MemberApril 9, 2020 at 1:48 pm in reply to: What are the three types of object relationships in Salesforce?Master Detail relationship, lookup relationship, and self lookup relationship.
Login Flows are flows that connect to individual profiles, or you can connect one flow to many profiles one by one, and they fire when a user logs in.
The Ant Migration Tool is a Java/Ant-based command-line utility for moving metadata between a local directory and a Salesforce org. ... Repetitive deployment using the same parameters—You can retrieve all the metadata in your organization, make changes, and deploy a subset of components.
MemberApril 8, 2020 at 1:50 pm in reply to: What is the difference between a role and a profile?Roles controle which records/objects a user can SEE based on their role in the hierarchy. Profile settings determine what users can see (control the visibility of objects, tabs, CRUD, fields) and do with objects. Profiles are typically defined by a job function. Each profile is associated with a license type.
It is used to retrieve the data from the database.
Salesforce Identity is an Identity and Access Management (IAM) service that connects users to your apps, services, and devices. It provides a centralized point of management for your admins and provides a single, trusted identity for your end users.