Natalya Johnson
IndividualPopular Salesforce Blogs
Preventing Duplicate Records in Your Salesforce Org for Improved Customer Relationships
Clean and accurate data is the backbone of every business. This means data quality is an important attribute of success for any organization. And, duplicate…
Understanding Salesforce Permissions
Permissions in Salesforce can be dizzying. Between licenses, profiles, and permission sets, there are multiple ways permissions can be assigned, and multiple considerations you should…
An Introduction to Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud
Salesforce has introduced Consumer Goods Cloud, a new industry product that enables companies related to consumer goods to optimize revenue growth and maximize ROI with…
Popular Salesforce Infographics
Salesforce Einstein GPT For Technical Expertise
Did you know how Salesforce Einstein GPT provides technical capabilities? Explore the potential of Einstein GPT and how it could be beneficial for technical endeavors.…
The Definitive Guide to Salesforce Sandboxes [Infographic]
Sandbox is a copy of your production organization. You can create multiple copies of your organization in separate environments for different purposes such as development,…
Buy vs. Build: Salesforce Shield: Event Monitoring
Today, businesses store their most confidential information in the cloud with applications such as Salesforce. This means dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of employees have…