Forum Replies Created

  • Nauman

    April 20, 2021 at 3:09 pm in reply to: What are the Standard and Custom Fields in Salesforce?

    Custom fields are just that. Fields that have been added to the standard Salesforce schema to tailor the data for each object. The user who creates the field can specify the field type and any applicable limitations, such as the maximum number of characters in a text field. These fields might be added to an Org via a managed package or through direct customization.
    Standard fields in contrast are those that are already present in the Salesforce schema when a new Organization is created. They are present in all Orgs where the same features are enabled. You can't customize these fields to the same degree. E.g. you could change the display label, but not the underlying API name or data type.

  • Nauman

    December 5, 2017 at 11:55 am in reply to: Open CTI Lightning Inbound calls in Salesforce

    Which Salesforce edition are you using?

  • Nauman

    December 5, 2017 at 11:35 am in reply to: How to create trigger using apex class to count the no of contacts?

    This example shows Apex to create an ApexPage, but from python it will be a matter of sending the request to the correct endpoint.

    You'll need to send a JSON payload to the correct enpoint with the correct details, for ApexTrigger see here:

    private void setRestPostUrl(){
    String sfdcUrl = (String)URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();
    String apiPath = '/services/data/v30.0/sobjects/ApexPage';
    restPostUrl = sfdcUrl+apiPath;


    sfdcURL would be: "", where XX is the instance (na1, na2, na3...)
    apiPath: the last part 'ApexPage' is what you'll need to modify. For Triggers: ApexTrigger, for classes: ApexClass.

    So you'll need your OAuth token, and send your payload to:
    (You'll set a Header as 'Authorization' with the OAuth token.)

  • gd points.. I remember a couple years ago a similar problem was the talk of the town for sometime.

    Though I am not really sure how it was tackled as I was not directly involved into it..

  • Nauman

    July 13, 2016 at 7:50 am in reply to: How to show custom app in mobile?

    Yes i had added the app in the navigation menu of salesforce1

  • Nauman

    May 23, 2016 at 1:17 pm in reply to: Can we delete records in share table with row cause as Rule?

    As per the

    it is not possible. "All implicit sharing added by managed sharing cannot be altered directly using the Salesforce user interface, SOAP API, or Apex"

    Howsoever, the work-around is this:

    You need to change the Sharing Rule which is causing the share. which is to delete a record with Sharing type Rule

    List<OpportunityShare > sharesToDelete = [Select o.UserOrGroupId, o.RowCause, o.OpportunityId, o.OpportunityAccessLevel, o.Id From OpportunityShare 
    where RowCause=:Schema.RowCause.Your_Sharing_Rule__Here and o.OpportunityId='######'];

    And then do this:

    if (!sharesToDelete.isEmpty()) {
    delete sharesToDelete;

  • That helps @prafull