IndividualForum Replies Created
MemberOctober 18, 2019 at 4:55 am in reply to: How to implement pagination in lightning component?Hi Nikita,
I am going to share a link that will show you How to implement Pagination in Lightning Component Salesforce.
You Can Check the URL :- https://www.biswajeetsamal.com/blog/pagination-in-lightning-component/
Mock class provide an implementation for the HttpCalloutMock interface to specify the response sent in the respond method, which the Apex runtime calls to send a response for a callout.
MemberOctober 17, 2019 at 5:19 am in reply to: What is the use of aura:if in lightning component?Hi Nikita,
aura:if tag Lightning component example. aura if renders the content within the tag if the isTrue attribute evaluates to true. The framework evaluates the isTrue expression and instantiates components either in its body or else attribute.
MemberOctober 17, 2019 at 5:17 am in reply to: what is the use of aura:renderIf in lightning components?Hi Nikita,
Use aura:renderIf if you expect to show the components for both the true and false states, and it would require a server round trip to instantiate the components that aren't initially rendered. Switching condition unrenders current branch and renders the other. Otherwise, use aura:if instead if you want to instantiate the components in either its body or the else attribute, but not both.
MemberOctober 16, 2019 at 3:44 am in reply to: How to set value in HTML tag through javaScript?Hi Saddam,
document.write() sets value in HTML tag through javascript.
for more you can refer:- https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_htmldom_html.asp
Hi Saddam,
If you are using a lookup window to find a contact, what about creating a custom lookup window to which you add a "create contact" button. Use the create button to replace the lookup content with new contact fields right in that window, simple as re-rendering the page using render flags. That way its in keeping with standard salesforce UX and your users will possibly embrace the custom functionality more easily.
For more refer:-https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/?id=906F0000000g3AmIAI
MemberOctober 16, 2019 at 3:25 am in reply to: What is the system.StaticResourceCalloutMock?Hi Saddam,
Utility class used to specify a fake response for testing HTTP callouts.
MemberOctober 15, 2019 at 4:01 am in reply to: How can Lightning Components be used in the Salesforce1 Mobile App?Hi Nikita,
For this purpose we need to first make a lightning tab which points to the lightning component we created and then we have to include that tab in the salesforc1 Mobile Navigation select list and the newly created tab to it.
Hi Yogesh,
Yes, You can handle lightning events on visualforce page.
MemberOctober 15, 2019 at 3:52 am in reply to: How can we subscribe to an event in Lightning component?Hi NIkita,
Subscribe to platform events with the empApi component in your Lightning web component or Aura component. The empApi component provides access to methods for subscribing to a streaming channel and listening to event messages.
The empApi component uses a shared CometD-based Streaming API connection, enabling you to run multiple streaming apps in the browser.For more check:- https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.platform_events.meta/platform_events/platform_events_subscribe_lc.htm
MemberOctober 14, 2019 at 4:46 am in reply to: why on vf page org namespace is required while performing a lightning functionality on it ?Hi Yogesh,
You can have namespace in your org but it is not necessary to have a namespace to develop lightning component.
Passing Parameters By Reference and By Value in Apex. “In Apex, all primitive data type arguments, such as Integer or String, are passed into methods by value. This means that any changes to the arguments exist only within the scope of the method. When the method returns, the changes to the arguments are lost.
MemberOctober 11, 2019 at 2:30 am in reply to: How to use External CSS in lightning components?Hi Nikita,
If you need to use your style sheet to multiple lightning components or lighting applications, then it’s always recommended to define a common style sheet in a separate file with extension as .css. Upload this external CSS file as a static resource and it will be included in the Lightning component using
<ltng:require styles=”{! $Resource.staticResourceFileName}”/> tag.
MemberOctober 11, 2019 at 2:27 am in reply to: How to use Inline CSS in lightning component?Hi Nikita,
The inline style uses inside HTML tags as a “style” attribute. Generally, inline CSS is used to decorate for single HTML
MemberOctober 11, 2019 at 2:23 am in reply to: Why we use of THIS CSS class in lightning component?Hi Nikita,
THIS CSS effectively, adds namespacing to CSS and helps prevent one component’s CSS from overriding another component’s styling. The framework throws an error if a CSS file doesn’t follow this convention.
Hi Saddam,
Dispatches an Event at the specified EventTarget, (synchronously) invoking the affected EventListeners in the appropriate order. The normal event processing rules (including the capturing and optional bubbling phase) also apply to events dispatched manually with dispatchEvent().
MemberOctober 10, 2019 at 3:21 am in reply to: How to navigate visualforce page classic and lightning?Hi Saddam,
You can take help from the below example to navigate visualforce page classic and lightning:-
navigate : function(component, event, helper) {
var address = component.find(“address”).get(“v.value”);
var urlEvent = $A.get(“e.force:navigateToURL”);
“url”: ‘https://www.google.com/maps/place/’ + address
} -
MemberOctober 10, 2019 at 3:16 am in reply to: How can I add a dynamic datatable in salesforce lightning component?Hi Laveena,
An HTML table that’s defined by iterating over a set of data, displaying information about one item of data per row. The body of the <apex:dataTable> contains one or more column components that specify what information should be displayed for each item of data. The data set can include up to 1,000 items, or 10,000 items when the page is executed in read-only mode.
For the datatablein salesforce lightning component check the url:-https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/?id=9060G0000005V95QAE
MemberOctober 9, 2019 at 3:33 am in reply to: How can I show (on a dashboard) what % one column total on the report is of another column ?Hi Deepak,
- Create a custom object "Loan".
- Create "Amount" and "Total Credit" fields in "Loan" object.
- Create a summary report group by Name.
- Use Formula "Loan__c.Amount_Outstanding__c:SUM / Loan__c.Total_Credit_Line__c:SUM"
- Grouped at the grand summary level
- Format is percent
MemberOctober 9, 2019 at 3:23 am in reply to: Is it possible to connect a social networking profile to a custom object record in salesforce?Hi Deepak,
Yes, it possible to connect a social networking profile to a custom object record in salesforce.
You can check this link for more https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/1741/is-it-possible-to-connect-a-social-networking-profile-to-a-custom-object-record
MemberOctober 9, 2019 at 3:17 am in reply to: What is the difference between managed package and unmanaged package in salesforce?Hi Deepak,
Managed Package:- Managed packages are typically used by salesforce.com partners to distribute and sell applications to customers. Once the components are installed from a managed package, the components cannot be edited in the organization they are installed in.
Unmanaged Package:- Unmanaged packages are typically used to distribute open-source projects or application templates to provide developers with the basic building blocks for an application. Once the components are installed from an unmanaged package, the components can be edited in the organization they are installed in.
MemberOctober 4, 2019 at 2:54 am in reply to: How can I relate two components in lightning in salesforce ?Hi Laveena,
You can create an event and then fire it from component A. Component B can then handle the event and react appropriately.
Check the link for more:- https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/developer-relations/2017/04/lightning-inter-component-communication-patterns.html
MemberOctober 4, 2019 at 2:49 am in reply to: How can I delete a row in salesforce lightning component?Hi Laveena,
To perform the delete operation, call deleteRecord on the force:recordData component from the appropriate controller action handler. deleteRecord takes one argument, a callback function to be invoked when the operation completes. This callback function receives a SaveRecordResult as its only parameter. SaveRecordResult includes a state attribute that indicates success or error and other details you can use to handle the result of the operation.
You can check the following link: https://www.biswajeetsamal.com/blog/dynamic-add-delete-row-in-lightning-component/
MemberOctober 4, 2019 at 2:38 am in reply to: What is a Lightning component bundle?Explain all the bundles?Hi Nikita,
A component bundle contains a component or an app and all its related resources. Contains markup for the component or app. Each bundle contains only one component or app resource.
Component Bundles are:-
- Component
- Controller
- Helper
- Style
- Documentation
- Renderer
- Design
For the Explanation, you can check:- https://www.mstsolutions.com/technical/lightning-component-bundle/