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  • Pooja

    May 26, 2020 at 1:59 pm in reply to: Define Recursive Trigger and how to avoid it?

    A trigger is called again and again than it is called a recursive trigger.
    To avoid recursive triggers we can create a class with a static Boolean variable with default value true.

  • Pooja

    May 22, 2020 at 3:27 pm in reply to: What are Getter and Setter methods in Salesforce?

    getter method will return a value to a visualforce page whenever a name variable is called.
    Setter method will take the value from the visualforce page and stores to the Apex variable name.

  • There is a 10,000 inner component limit.

  • A lightning:checkboxGroup component represents a checkbox group that enables selection of single or multiple options. If the required attribute is set to true , at least one checkbox must be selected.

  • As a best practice, keep the number of ownership-based sharing rules to 100 per object, and keep the number of criteria-sharing rules to 50 per object.

  • Pooja

    May 21, 2020 at 8:00 am in reply to: How can we push or pull code from scratch org in Salesforce?

    You can use force:source:push for scratch orgs only. If you're synchronizing source to another org, use the Metadata API.

  • Pooja

    May 21, 2020 at 8:00 am in reply to: What is a capability of a StandardSetController in Salesforce?

    StandardSetController objects allow you to create list controllers provided by Salesforce.

  • Pooja

    May 20, 2020 at 3:57 pm in reply to: Can we include one lightning component to another?

    Yes , you can include it.

  • Pooja

    May 20, 2020 at 3:56 pm in reply to: How to retrieve data from multiple Objects in one query ?

    SELECT (SELECT Obj1__r.Name FROM Junction1__r),
    (SELECT Obj3__r.Name FROM Junction2__r),
    FROM Obj2__c

  • Component Event can be used by same component or component in containment hierarchy. Use Application events only if components are present in 2 different app or are not in containment hierarchy

  • Pooja

    May 19, 2020 at 2:50 pm in reply to: What is a “Lookup Relationship”?

    Lookup relationships can be one-to-one or one-to-many. The Account to Contact relationship is one-to-many because a single account can have many related contacts

  • Pooja

    May 19, 2020 at 2:49 pm in reply to: What is the use of lightning: tree component in Salesforce?

    A lightning:tree component displays the visualization of a structural hierarchy, such as a sitemap for a website or a role hierarchy in an organization.

  • Pooja

    May 19, 2020 at 2:48 pm in reply to: What is the use of Recall approval in Salesforce?

    A recall action occurs when a submitted approval request is recalled. By default, the record is unlocked. Record locking prevents users from editing a record, regardless of field-level security or sharing settings.

  • Pooja

    May 18, 2020 at 2:49 pm in reply to: What is IaaS?

    It is an instant computing infrastructure, provisioned and managed over the internet.

  • Pooja

    May 18, 2020 at 2:48 pm in reply to: What is Custom Validation in Salesforce?

    All the validations we build ( using validation rules/ VF page ) are the custom validations.

  • Salesforce accounts are business accounts which stores companies/organization information.
    Person accounts are used to store information about individual consumers.

  • Pooja

    May 15, 2020 at 5:29 pm in reply to: Importance and purpose of triggerDispatcher in Salesforce?

    There are following importance-
    1) The trigger dispatcher classes contains the methods to handle the trigger events.
    2) This is the place where the developers had to instantiate the appropriate trigger event handler classes.

  • Pooja

    May 15, 2020 at 5:26 pm in reply to: What is a benefit of using a trigger framework Salesforce?

    The benefits of using a trigger framework is as follows-
    1 ) Removing trigger logic from the trigger makes unit testing and maintenance much easier.
    2) Standardising triggers means all of your triggers work in a consistent way.
    3) A single trigger per object gives full control over order of execution.

  • Pooja

    May 15, 2020 at 5:24 pm in reply to: How to delete the whole records of the Acoounts from Salesforce?

    By applying these steps you can delete the whole records-
    Enter Mass Delete Records in the Quick Find box,
    Select Mass Delete Records and click the link for the type of record to delete.
    Review the information that is deleted with the records.
    Specify conditions that the selected items must match, for example, “State equals Ghaziabad.”

  • Pooja

    May 14, 2020 at 10:55 am in reply to: What is meant by Salesforce data security model?

    Salesforce provides three layers of security with lots of flexibility to accommodate virtually any business need. Profiles controls object-level and field-level access. Permission sets are used to provide access to additional objects. Field-level security controls provide access to individual fields within an object.

  • Pooja

    May 14, 2020 at 10:54 am in reply to: Is activity a standard object in Salesforce?

    Yes, Activity is a standard object in Salesforce.

  • Pooja

    May 14, 2020 at 10:23 am in reply to: What is ‘Salesforce Lightning’?

    Lightning includes the Lightning Component Framework and some exciting tools for developers.

  • Pooja

    May 13, 2020 at 3:39 pm in reply to: How to deploy domain in Salesforce?

    To roll out the new domain name to your org, from Setup, enter My Domain in the Quick Find box, select My Domain, and then select Deploy to Users. The domain is activated immediately, and your users are redirected to pages with the new domain.

  • Pooja

    May 13, 2020 at 3:39 pm in reply to: How do we create a SOQL query in Salesforce?

    Select Tools | Query Builder | Query Builder.
    Drag tables (Salesforce objects) from the Object Explorer to the Diagram pane. Existing relationships display.
    Note: You cannot create new relationships when building a Salesforce SOQL query.
    If a pair of tables (objects) has more than one relationship, choose one relationship and remove the others.
    To add additional existing relationships, add multiple instances of a table.
    To restore a dropped relationship between tables, right-click the child table and select Restore FK.
    Select the columns (Salesforce fields) you want to add to the query. For more information, see Build Queries Visually.
    To use a SOQL date range function, select a date column and click in the Where field for that column. Then select a date range from the Date Range tab of the Where Condition dialog.
    Click Execute SQL to run the query.

  • Pooja

    May 13, 2020 at 3:38 pm in reply to: what is Apex Hammer in Salesforce?

    It takes every single Apex test that you or anyone else has created and running it twice.

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