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    January 15, 2018 at 3:16 pm in reply to: Can report data be accessed programmatically through Salesforce Apex?

    Hi Ratnakar,

    You can refer to the standard salesforce api guide and search "RUN REPORTS" for this. Or you can use the below piece of code.

    // Get the report ID
    List <Report> reportList = [SELECT Id,DeveloperName FROM Report where
    DeveloperName = 'Closed_Sales_This_Quarter'];
    String reportId = (String)reportList.get(0).get('Id');

    // To run a report synchronously
    Reports.ReportResults results = Reports.ReportManager.runReport(reportId, true);
    System.debug('Synchronous results: ' + results);

    // To run a report asynchronously
    Reports.ReportInstance instance = Reports.ReportManager.runAsyncReport(reportId, true);
    System.debug('Asynchronous instance: ' + instance);

    Hope this helps you.

  • Hi

    I find an interesting way to check Person Account is enabled or not

    boolean abc = Schema.sObjectType.Account.fields.getMap().containsKey( ‘isPersonAccount’ );

    Hope this will minimize your code and helps you.


    January 15, 2018 at 1:13 pm in reply to: What is child relationship name of Account and Contact in Salesforce?

    Hi Ratnakar,

    You can see the Child Relationship Name when you click on the field with master detail / lookup object and there you would see this name which needs to be used for Related List.

    childrelationship name

    You usually access the child records using '__r' attribute. This works for both master-detail and lookup.

    Hope this helps you.


    January 15, 2018 at 12:14 pm in reply to: How to track a field history of a custom object via Api?

    Hi Tanu,

    You can take the help of sobject history in your apex and built a query matching the sobject id with the related id field in history.

    Exapmle : If you want to track field history of Account object, you can use

    SELECT AccountId,CreatedById,CreatedDate,Field,Id,IsDeleted,NewValue,OldValue FROM AccountHistory

    Similarly If you want to query field history of custom objects, you have to match the parent id of history query with the custom object id.

    Example: If you want to track field history of Phase custom object, you can use

    SELECT CreatedById,CreatedDate,Field,Id,IsDeleted,NewValue,OldValue,ParentId FROM Phase__History

    Hope this helps you.

  • Hi Ankit,

    You can use "WORKBENCH" for this. In workbench you have to first login with your salesforce credentials and then go to Queries tab and select SOQL Query. There you have option to select your object and all their fields with filter and sort functionality also.

    Hope this will helps you.


    January 11, 2018 at 1:04 pm in reply to: What is record type in Salesforce?

    Hi Ankit,
    I would like to enhance the above answer with some highlights point of record types.

    Record Type is a great feature for "Tailor Business Processes to Different Users".
    It offers different picklist values, different business processes, and different page layouts to different users. Creating record type is very important to differentiate the regular sales deals from the professional services engagements with offering different picklist values for each.
    This also helps in displaying different layouts for customers and for employees.

    Hope this will help you in understanding more about the record type feature.



    January 11, 2018 at 12:38 pm in reply to: How to import set of Lead records which have campaign in Salesforce?

    Hi Ratnakar,

    To add multiple leads as members of a campaign, you can use the Data Import Wizard.

    You can select Assign Leads to Campaigns option for this.

    For more information you can take the help of standard Salesforce Documentation regarding "Create Leads and Add Them to a Campaign with the Data Import Wizard".

    Hope this helps you.

  • Hi Suryadeep,

    WorkFlow Rules can do these actions

    • Create Task
    • Update Field
    • Email Alert
    • Outbound Message

    Whereas Process Builder can do these actions

    • Create a record
    • Update any related record
    • Use a quick action to create a record, update a record, or log a call
    • Launch a flow
    • Send an email
    • Post to Chatter
    • Submit for approval
    • Call apex methods
    • But the process builder doesn’t support outbound messages.

    Process Builder is a combination of Flow and Workflow rule. In other words, we can say that it’s the next level of Workflow rule, that allows us to automate your business process by creating Processes with point-and-click.

    Hope this helps you.

  • Hi Manpreet,

    Salesforce treats an object as a database tables, and fields as columns, and records as rows.

    Salesforce differentiate custom object and custom field with "__c" suffix at the end of every custom field and custom object.

    Hope this will helps you.

  • Hi Manpreet,

    In Salesforce, you can control access to data at many different levels. For example, you can control the access your users have to objects with object permissions. Within objects, you can control the access users have to fields using field-level security. To control access to data at the record level, use sharing settings.

    You can take help of Sharing Setting for this scenario.

    Sharing rules can never be stricter than your organization-wide default settings. They simply allow greater access for particular users.

    Hope this helps you.


    January 5, 2018 at 1:59 pm in reply to: I would like a Salesforce dashboard component to show

    Hi Radhakrishna,

    What I understand from your query is that you want 4 different types of report charts in a single dashboard and also you want to add some custom fields of user object. So first of all you have to create a Custom Report Type between opportunity and user object.

    Then you can either create a single report using that custom report type with all your fields and filter and you can fun around with summarise and grouping functionality over different fields. And use a single report in a single dashboard with four different components/charts.


    You can create four different reports using the custom report type with your custom fields and filter and then create a dashboard with its four charts and display as per your need.

    Hope this will help you.


    January 5, 2018 at 12:08 pm in reply to: What is a “success agent” in

    Hi Shaun,

    "Success Agent" is a job profile in Salesforce Technology which involves highly skilled technical engineer.

    Hope this makes sense.


    January 5, 2018 at 10:35 am in reply to: how to integrate LinkedIn to Salesforce?


    You can integrate LinkedIn with salesforce in two ways:

    1. By installing the standard LinkedIn app from appexchange.
    2. By custom integration through RestApi with the help of LinkedIn API Guide.

    Hope this helps you.

  • Hi Aman,

    You can do this by two ways either by creating a VF Page or by using two different record types.

    1. Embedding VF Page in detail page of Opportunity page layout.
    2. Showing two different Record Types with different page layouts in this way when your condition satisfies the record type having button in page layout appears and when condition not meet then another record type is set with no button in page layout.

    You can do one more thing but that will not hide your button, it just throws an error message if the desired condition doesn't met.

    Hope this will help you. Will let you know if find more on this.

  • Hi Saurabh,

    If you are using a field update in last step and again using field update on that same field on Final Approval Step then you can only able to see the Final Approval Step field update. I think it's not meaningful for a field update of the same field at both the last approval step and at final approval step. I will let you know if I find more on this.

    Hope this helps you.

  • Hi

    Please follow the below steps to disable quick access menu option.

    • At the top of any Salesforce page, click the down arrow next to your name.
    • From the menu under your name, select Setup or My Settings—whichever one appears.
    • From the left panel, select one of the following:
    • Now click on My Settings, select Personal | Advanced User Detail.
    • Click Edit.
    • Select the Quick Access Menu checkbox.
    • Click Save.

    quick access

    Hope this helps you.


    January 4, 2018 at 12:24 pm in reply to: How to get rollup summary field using junction object in salesforce?

    Hi Saurabh,

    For this functionality you have to write a code in Apex Trigger. In Apex Trigger you can roll-up your custom field on the parent /master object. You can use AggregateResult in custom roll-up functionality. Please let me know if you want more on this.

    Hope this helps you.


    January 4, 2018 at 12:09 pm in reply to: How does Salesforce track sales?

    Hi Dharmvir,

    Salesforce features designed to support your sales process include leads, campaigns, products, pricebooks, opportunities, and quotes. Anyone can use Opportunities with with their leads to track its sales. Opportunity Stage helps you a lot in sales process mapping.

    opp Stage
    Hope this helps you.


    January 4, 2018 at 11:54 am in reply to: How to find application type in Salesforce?

    Hi Santosh,

    You can search Apps in Quick Search box in your Salesforce account and see all your apps like the below screenshot.

    There are the check-boxes for Custom App and Console App option over each app.


    Hope this helps you. Please let me know if you need any other info.


    January 4, 2018 at 11:42 am in reply to: Salesforce Views - Filter dates that are 2 weeks after date

    Hi Zak,

    What I understand from your question is that you want a filter for date field "Invoice Received" that has a standard fixed value 31/10/2017 and you want to see all your records that has 2 weeks or more date in that same field "Invoice Received".

    So you can use an operator greater than or equal. For Example Invoice Received greater than or equal 14/11/2017.

    Hope this helps you.


    January 4, 2018 at 11:15 am in reply to: how to create site in salesforce

    Hi Chandu,

    Please follow the below steps to create a site in salesforce.

    1. On the tab in the app, click New.
      Alternatively, in Studio, click Create a New Site in the site's drop-down menu.
    2. Click Create a Blank Website.
    3. Enter the site name.
    4. Click Create.
      Your new website opens in Studio, where you can create page templates and site pages, and add functionality to it.

    Hope this helps you.

  • Hi

    Please make sure you have given the access to the VF Page and its Controller also for the profile you want to see the records. Only object and its field permission is not the only settings you required to show the records.


  • Hi Ahmed,

    Please follow the below steps to create a formula field that shows an image:

    • Create a public folder to hold your image files.

    1. Click the Documents tab.
    2. Click Create New Folder.
    3. Enter the folder name (for example, "Public Folder").
    4. Give users "Read-Only" access to the folder and make it accessible to all users.

    • Upload your image file to your Documents storage area.

    1. Click the Documents tab.
    2. Click New.
    3. Enter the document name to be displayed on the browser.
    4. From the "Folder" pick-list, select the folder you created in step 1.
    5. Click Browse to look for and select the file to upload.
    6. Click Save.

    • Create a new "Text" type Formula Field.

    1. Go to Setup | Customize | <Object>
    2. Click Fields.
    3. Under "Custom Fields," click New.
    4. Select Formula and Click Next.
    5. Enter your custom field name, then select Text from the "Formula Return Type" and Click Next.
    6. In the "Enter Formula" screen, click Advanced Formula.

    • Obtain the URL to the files you uploaded

    1. Click the Documents tab.
    2. From the "Folder" picklist, select the folder you created in step 1 and Click Go.
    3. Click View next to the name of the file you want to use.
    - A new browser window or browser tab opens.
    4. In the browser's address bar, select and copy the URL.

    • Enter your image URL into your Formula Field using the "IMAGE" function.

    1. In the text area, enter your formula using IMAGE to retrieve the image file you uploaded in step 2.
    2. Paste the image document URL into the 'image_url' portion of the IMAGE function.


    Don't include the Salesforce domain ("") in your URL.
    URLs must be enclosed in double-quotes, for example: "/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=0150K000006Wjbp"

    • Grant the appropriate Field-Level Security to your Formula Field.
    • Include the Formula Field in all the relevant Page Layouts.
    • Click on Save button

    Hope this helps you.


    March 24, 2017 at 3:06 pm in reply to: How can I run batch class in post install script?

    Hi Bhavesh,

    Just an idea, but have you tried removing the with sharing from the class definition or replacing it with without sharing?

    See also : Managed package install script - sObject type not supported



    March 24, 2017 at 2:30 pm in reply to: Javascript in salesforce lightning components

    Hi Sam,

    I don't see any error in loading js file in lightning. Can you please provide your code for more clarification.


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