Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions Can Anyone Explain Post Install and Uninstall Script in Salesforce?

  • shradha jain

    July 30, 2018 at 5:32 am

    Post Install Script :

    A post install script is an Apex class that implements the InstallHandler interface. This interface has a single method called onInstall that specifies the actions to be performed on installation.

    global interface InstallHandler {
    void onInstall(InstallContext context)

    The onInstall method takes a context object as its argument, which provides the following information:
    1.The org ID of the organization in which the installation takes place.
    2. The user ID of the user who initiated the installation.
    3. The version number of the previously installed package (specified using the Version class). This is always a three-part number, such as 1.2.0.
    4. Whether the installation is an upgrade.
    5. Whether the installation is a push.

    Post Uninstall Script:

    An uninstall script is an Apex class that implements the UninstallHandler interface. This interface has a single method called onUninstall that specifies the actions to be performed on uninstall.

    global interface UninstallHandler {
    void onUninstall(UninstallContext context)

    The onUninstall method takes a context object as its argument, which provides the following information:
    1. The org ID of the organization in which the uninstall takes place.
    2. The user ID of the user who initiated the uninstall.

  • shariq

    September 18, 2018 at 12:13 am


    Post Install 

    Example -

    global class PostInstallClass implements InstallHandler {
    global void onInstall(InstallContext context) {
    if(context.previousVersion() == null) {
    Account a = new Account(name='Newco');

    Survey__c obj = new Survey__c(name='Client Satisfaction Survey');
    insert obj;

    User u = [Select Id, Email from User where Id =:context.installerID()];   
    String toAddress= u.Email;
    String[] toAddresses = new String[]{toAddress};
    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail =
    new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
    mail.setSenderDisplayName('My Package Support');
    mail.setSubject('Package install successful');
    mail.setPlainTextBody('Thanks for installing the package.');
    Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.Email[] { mail });
    if(context.previousVersion().compareTo(new Version(1,0)) == 0) {
    Survey__c obj = new Survey__c(name='Upgrading from Version 1.0');
    if(context.isUpgrade()) {
    Survey__c obj = new Survey__c(name='Sample Survey during Upgrade');
    insert obj;
    if(context.isPush()) {
    Survey__c obj = new Survey__c(name='Sample Survey during Push');
    insert obj;

    Post Uninstall 

    Example how to test uninstall script-

    static void testUninstallScript() {
    Id UninstallerId = UserInfo.getUserId();
    List<FeedItem> feedPostsBefore =
    [SELECT Id FROM FeedItem WHERE parentId=:UninstallerId AND CreatedDate=TODAY];
    Test.testUninstall(new UninstallClass());
    List<FeedItem> feedPostsAfter =
    [SELECT Id FROM FeedItem WHERE parentId=:UninstallerId AND CreatedDate=TODAY];
    System.assertEquals(feedPostsBefore.size() + 1, feedPostsAfter.size(),
    'Post to uninstaller failed.');


    Hope this helps.

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