Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions How can we schedule a dynamic dashboard in Salesforce?

  • Udit

    January 14, 2020 at 1:54 pm

    Dynamic dashboards are dynamic that means they depends upon the current user of the dashboard or the user who is logged in. A dashboard is made dynamic by changing the “running user” from a specified user to “current logged in user”. This setting is in the properties for the dashboard.

    As per the scheduling, No, we can't schedule a dynamic dashboard as it totally depends upon the logged in user and shows the data as per the permissions given to that logged in user.

  • Marziya

    January 14, 2020 at 1:59 pm

    No, we can not do that in Salesforce. A dashboard is made dynamic by changing the “running user” from a specified user to “current logged in user”. This setting is in the properties for the dashboard.

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