Cannot understand meaning of integer ebayBatchesInProgress.get(0).get('batchesInQueue') in Salesforce?
I am trying to understand a class but cant understand meaning of (Integer)ebayBatchesInProgress.get(0).get('batchesInQueue') in the following program:
public static void ecommerceSyncMethod(){ // Below executing a logic to judge the pre-queued batches : //For Ebay Integer numberOfBatchesNotProcessedEbay = 0; list<AggregateResult> ebayBatchesInProgress = [Select Count(id) batchesInQueue from AsyncApexJob where (ApexClass.Name = 'BatchToAddEcommerceItemEbay' OR ApexClass.Name = 'BatchToDelistEcommerceItem' OR ApexClass.Name = 'BatchToUpdateEcommerceItem') AND Status IN ('Holding','Holding1','Queued', 'Preparing', 'Processing') ]; if(null != ebayBatchesInProgress && !ebayBatchesInProgress.isEmpty()){ numberOfBatchesNotProcessedEbay = (Integer)ebayBatchesInProgress.get(0).get('batchesInQueue'); } //For Amazon Integer numberOfBatchesNotProcessedAmazon = 0; list<AggregateResult> amazonBatchesInProgress = [Select Count(id) batchesInQueue from AsyncApexJob where ApexClass.Name = 'BatchForEcommerceItemsAmazon' AND Status IN ('Holding','Holding1','Queued', 'Preparing', 'Processing') ]; if(null != amazonBatchesInProgress && !amazonBatchesInProgress.isEmpty()){ numberOfBatchesNotProcessedAmazon = (Integer)amazonBatchesInProgress.get(0).get('batchesInQueue'); } //For Watch Facts Integer numberOfBatchesNotProcessedWatchFacts = 0; list<AggregateResult> watchFactsBatchesInProgress = [Select Count(id) batchesInQueue from AsyncApexJob where (ApexClass.Name = 'BatchForEcommerceItemsWatchFacts' OR ApexClass.Name = 'BatchToDeleteEcommerceItemWatchFacts') AND Status IN ('Holding','Queued', 'Preparing', 'Processing') ]; if(null != watchFactsBatchesInProgress && !watchFactsBatchesInProgress.isEmpty()){ numberOfBatchesNotProcessedWatchFacts = (Integer)watchFactsBatchesInProgress.get(0).get('batchesInQueue'); } //For CrownAndCaliber Integer numberOfBatchesNotProcessedCrownAndCaliber = 0; list<AggregateResult> crownAndCaliberBatchesInProgress = [Select Count(id) batchesInQueue from AsyncApexJob where ApexClass.Name = 'BatchForEcommerceItemsCrownAndCaliber' AND Status IN ('Holding','Queued', 'Preparing', 'Processing') ]; if(null != crownAndCaliberBatchesInProgress && !crownAndCaliberBatchesInProgress.isEmpty()){ numberOfBatchesNotProcessedCrownAndCaliber = (Integer)crownAndCaliberBatchesInProgress.get(0).get('batchesInQueue'); } //For Shopify Integer numberOfBatchesNotProcessedShopify = 0; list<AggregateResult> shopifyBatchesInProgress = [Select Count(id) batchesInQueue from AsyncApexJob where ApexClass.Name = 'BatchForEcommerceItemsShopify' AND Status IN ('Holding','Queued', 'Preparing', 'Processing') ]; if(null != shopifyBatchesInProgress && !shopifyBatchesInProgress.isEmpty()){ numberOfBatchesNotProcessedShopify = (Integer)shopifyBatchesInProgress.get(0).get('batchesInQueue'); } //For Jomashop Integer numberOfBatchesNotProcessedJomashop = 0; list<AggregateResult> JomashopBatchesInProgress = [Select Count(id) batchesInQueue from AsyncApexJob where ApexClass.Name = 'BatchForEcommerceItemsJomashop' AND Status IN ('Holding','Queued', 'Preparing', 'Processing') ]; if(null != JomashopBatchesInProgress && !JomashopBatchesInProgress.isEmpty()){ numberOfBatchesNotProcessedJomashop = (Integer)JomashopBatchesInProgress.get(0).get('batchesInQueue'); } //Code to be executed when the schedule class wakes up map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>> mapOfProductAddVsListingEventEbay = new map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>>(); map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>> mapOfProductUpdateVsListingEventEbay = new map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>>(); map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>> mapOfProductRemoveVsListingEventEbay = new map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>>(); map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>> listingIdVsEventListMapForEitherAddUpdateRemoveOrGetResult = new map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>>(); map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>> listingIdVsEventListMapForAddUpdateRemoveOrGetResultWatchFacts = new map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>>(); map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>> listingIdVsEventListMapForAddUpdateOrRemoveCrownAndCaliber = new map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>>(); map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>> listingIdVsEventListMapForAddUpdateOrRemoveShopify = new map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>>(); map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>> listingIdVsEventListMapForAddUpdateOrRemoveJomashop = new map<id,list<Listing_Event__c>>();
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