Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions Difference between Enterprise WSDL and Partner WSDL in salesforce?

  • Radhakrishna

    April 26, 2017 at 6:25 am

    Hi Saurabh,

    Salesforce provides a WSDL (Web Service Description Language) files. They are called "Enterprise WSDL" and "Partner WSDL". A WSDL is an XML-document which contains a standardized description on how to communicate using a web service (the Salesforce API is exposed as a web service). The WSDL is used by developers to aid in the creation of Salesforce integration pieces. A typical process involves using the Development Environment (eg, Eclipse for Java, or Visual Studio for .Net) to consume the WSDL, and generate classes which are then referenced in the integration.

    The primary differences between the two WSDL that we provide are:

    Enterprise WSDL:
    a) The Enterprise WSDL is strongly typed.
    b) The Enterprise WSDL is tied (bound) to a specific configuration of Salesforce (ie. a specific organization's Salesforce configuration).
    c) The Enterprise WSDL changes if modifications (e.g custom fields or custom objects) are made to an organization's Salesforce configuration.

    For the reasons outlined above, the Enterprise WSDL is intended primarily for Customers.

    Partner WSDL:
    a) The Partner WSDL is loosely typed.
    b) The Partner WSDL can be used to reflect against/interrogate any configuration of Salesforce (ie. any organization's Salesforce configuration).
    c) The Partner WSDL is static, and hence does not change if modifications are made to an organization's Salesforce configuration.

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