First error: sObject type 'sObject' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name.
Hi All
I am getting this error while using sObject type list in Batch Class
global class TestBatch implements
Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.Stateful {
list<id> useridlist = new list<id>();
global TestBatch(list<id> idforlist){useridlist=idforlist;
}global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
return Database.getQueryLocator('SELECT id,name FROM sObject WHERE id IN :useridlist' );
}global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<sObject> scope){
for(sObject a: scope)
a.put( 'name','Algo');
update scope;
}global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc){
please give suggestions.
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