Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions How are bucket fields used in Salesforce?

  • Anjali

    April 9, 2020 at 12:39 pm

    Bucketing lets you quickly categorize report records without creating a formula or a custom field, Bucket fields can be used like any other field to sort, filter, and group your report. When you create a bucket field, you define multiple categories (buckets) used to group report values.

  • Udit

    April 9, 2020 at 2:35 pm

    Hello Anjali,
    Below are the steps to create bucket field in Salesforce report:
    1. In the report tab click on the “New Report” button
    2. Select a “Lead” or any other object and then create a new report
    3. Here you will find the bucket field in the top of list of fields
    4. Add this “Bucket Field” into your report
    5. Here you will get a popup window called “Edit Bucket Field”. Select the lead status in your source column. Click on the “New Bucket” button, create your criteria field “Open – Working”. Select two criteria “Open And Working” status
    6. Move this field into “Open And Working” Criteria
    7. Same process for close –converted and closed-Not converted field. Create a “New Bucket Closed” and drag these two closed fields into your closed bucket field. Click “OK” and then select the report as a “Summary Report”
    8. Lastly you will get your report which is separated on the basis of “Open-working” and “Closed” status of bucket field

  • Ratnesh

    April 11, 2020 at 3:49 pm

    Bucket field in Salesforce Reports is an incredible powerful functionality used to quickly categorize values for a field in a report without the need to have a custom formula field at the object level.

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