Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions How can we delete Streaming API Push Topics in salesforce?

  • Marziya

    July 20, 2020 at 2:12 pm
    1. Reducing the changes being made to the object in Salesforce, if possible, and then.
    2. Using a tool such as Workbench, the Developer Console, or your own direct API requests to delete the PushTopic . The SOQL query to locate the PushTopic is SELECT Id FROM PushTopic WHERE Name='hc_XXXX' .
  • Pooja

    July 20, 2020 at 5:13 pm

    Reducing the changes being made to the object in Salesforce, if possible, and then.
    Using a tool such as Workbench, the Developer Console, or your own direct API requests to delete the PushTopic . The SOQL query to locate the PushTopic is SELECT Id FROM PushTopic WHERE Name='hc_XXXX' .

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