Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions How do I assign a record to a queue in Salesforce?

  • Anuj

    September 22, 2020 at 2:03 pm
    1. From Setup, enter <kbd>Queues</kbd> in the <samp>Quick Find</samp> box, then select Queues.
    2. Click New.
    3. Enter a label and queue name. The label is the name of the list view that users work from.
    4. Choose whom to notify when new records are added to the queue.
    5. If your org uses divisions, select the queue’s default division. Cases inherit the division of the contact they’re related to, but when a case doesn’t have a contact, it’s assigned to the default global division.
    6. Add which objects to include in the queue.
    7. Add queue members. Members can be individuals, roles, public groups, territories, connections, or partner users.Depending on your sharing settings, only queue members and users above them in the role hierarchy can take ownership of records in the queue.
    8. Save the queue.
    9. If you want, set up assignment rules for your lead or case queues so that records that meet certain criteria are automatically added to a queue.

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