Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions How does Salesforce chatter integration work?

  • Manpreet

    May 22, 2017 at 5:51 am

    Hi Abhay,

    Salesforce Chatter is a real-time collaboration tool that facilitates information-sharing across a social network. When Chatter integrates, the Chatter news feeds display using a Search Results List Widget on a Dashboard.

    To integrate Chatter with CSM, export Chatter news feeds to a CSV file using the Salesforce Apex Data Loader interface. The create a Stored Import to point to the CSV file and use the CSM Import Data Wizard to import the CSV file into a CSM Business Object that is designated to store the Chatter data (typically, a new Business Object). After the data imports into CSM, the User builds a Search Results List Widget to display the news feed on a CSM Dashboard. This data export and import can be configured to run on a scheduled basis using the CSM Scheduler.

    Steps to Integrate : 

    1.) Export data from Chatter to a CSV file (ex: NewsFeed.csv) using the Salesforce Apex Data Loader. Refer to the Apex Data Loader Documentation to determine which fields should be exported to the CSV file.

    2.) Create a Salesforce Chatter Business Object to house the Chatter CSV data (ex: NewsFeed data). The Business Object should include:Type: Major Object.
    Name: NewsFeed.
    Fields: Add a field to match each column in the Chatter CSV file.
    3.) Import the CSV data into the new Salesforce Chatter Business Object:Create a CSV Stored Import, then use the Import Data Wizard to run a one-time import of the CSV data.
    When prompted, import the Chatter CSV file into the new Salesforce Chatter Business Object.

    When prompted, define how columns from the CSV file are mapped to fields in the Salesforce Chatter Business Object.


    4.) Create a Search Results List Widget, and then add it to a Dashboard to display Salesforce Chatter data in CSM.


  • Louis

    June 2, 2017 at 11:08 am


    I found following resources that can be helpful..


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