How this is updating contact's mailing address related to account's billing address?
trigger ContactMailAddr on Contact (before insert, before update) { set<id> setofaccountIds=new set<id>(); for(Contact contact:trigger.new) { if(contact.AccountId!=null) { setofaccountIds.add(contact.AccountId); } } map<id,account> accountmap=new map<id,account>([select id, billingCity, billingState, billingpostalcode, billingStreet, billingCountry from account where id in :setofaccountIds]); for(contact contact :trigger.new) { contact.MailingCity = accountmap.get(contact.AccountId).billingCity; contact.MailingState = accountmap.get(contact.AccountId).billingState; contact.MailingStreet = accountmap.get(contact.AccountId).billingStreet; contact.MailingCountry = accountmap.get(contact.AccountId).billingCountry; contact.MailingPostalCode = accountmap.get(contact.AccountId).billingpostalcode; } }
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