how to avoid this salesforce error
Database.query error getting Events! Exception: unexpected token: 'FROM'
SELECT Id,Name, geolocation__c,Location__c, geolocation__Latitude__s , geolocation__Longitude__s, Date_of_Onsite_Event__c, Local_Start_Time_of_Event__c, Local_End_Time__c,Local_End_Time_of_Event__c, Number_of_Hours_of_Event__c, End_Date_of_Onsite_Event__c, Services_to_be_Provided__c,( SELECT Id, Contact__c,Contact__r.Provider_Level__c, FROM Provider_Onsite_Event__r where Contact__r.Provider_Level__c =:'Coordinator- Level 1 ), FROM Onsite_Event__c WHERE Publish__c = 'Yes' AND Date_of_Onsite_Event__c > TODAY AND DISTANCE(geolocation__c, GEOLOCATION(13.5603,78.5036),'mi') < 100 ORDER BY DISTANCE(geolocation__c, GEOLOCATION(13.5603,78.5036),'mi') LIMIT 50
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