Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions How to integrate one SFDC org to another SFDC using Rest API?

  • Avnish

    July 10, 2018 at 2:03 pm

    Hello Chanchal,

    You want to integrate(means Callout) from one Salesforce org(Source org) to another Salesforce org(Destination org).

    Here is simple steps to complete the task:-

    1. Create a new Remote Setting in Source org.
    2. Create a Connected App in Destination org with unique callback URL.
    3.  Create a apex class in Source org which take inputs of Connected app (i.e. Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Callback URL, Username and Password) of Destination org. This give you access token for Destination call.
    4. Create an Rest Resource apex class in Destination org which return some data(for doGet Call) or accept some data(for doPost Call).
    5. Create an another class or function in Source Org to retrieve the call with endpoint URL.
    6. That's all.

    Note - Use Debug to find error.


  • Parul

    September 15, 2018 at 7:17 am

    First we talk what we have to do in the in the Destination org:

    Step 1.  Create a Connected app in Destination org giving the callback url with the details as mentioned in the image below.

    Step 2. Create a Rest Webservice with @httpPost & @httpGet verb, though it’s not required in our case.

    Now is the time to configure the Source org:

    Step 1. Create Remote site in Source like in my case I created the below one.

    Step 2. Create a class for Rest Callout in the Source org.



  • shariq

    September 15, 2018 at 6:28 pm


    One of the ways to Integrate two Salesforce Instances will be using oauth for session management and using REST API

    Lets Assume you have SalesforceA as Source ORG and SalesforceB as Destination ORG .Now lets assume flow of data is from SalesforceA to SalesforceB Instance

    1)For oauth 2.0 in Destination org(SalesforceB) create a Connected App .To help you configure the Connected App in Destination below screenshot should assist.Callback Url may not be of any significant as we are using User-Name Password flow model.You will obtain client secret,consumer key in this process and one should store in Source org custom object or custom setting

    2)In your source org create a Remote site settings with url as the URL of the Destination Instance

    3)Create a Integration User in the Destination org whose credentials you will use to call API from Salesforce Source ORG

    4)Use the username,password and security token(Also i would prefer setting password never expires here for integration User) and also client secret and consumer key in a custom object or custom setting (Protected) in Source org.

    The below code is sample code to get authenticated and how to use access token to further make any API call-

    Settings__c ts=settings;//Here write a sample query or fetch from custom settings the consumer ,client secret and username and password of destination org

    String clientId = ts.ConsumerKey__c;
    String clientSecret = ts.Client_Secret__c;
    String username=ts.Username__c;
    String password=ts.Password__c+ts.SecurityToken__c;

    String reqbody = 'grant_type=password&client_id='+clientId+'&client_secret='+clientSecret+'&username='+username+'&password='+password;

    Http h = new Http();
    HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
    req.setEndpoint(ts.URL__c+'/services/oauth2/token');//Note if my domain is set up use the proper domain name else use for prod or developer or for sandbox instance

    HttpResponse res = h.send(req);

    OAuth2 objAuthenticationInfo = (OAuth2)JSON.deserialize(res.getbody(), OAuth2.class);
    RequestWrapper reqst=new RequestWrapper();


    Http h1 = new Http();
    HttpRequest req1 = new HttpRequest();
    req1.setHeader('Authorization','Bearer '+objAuthenticationInfo.access_token);

    req1.setBody(jsonstr);//Send JSON body
    req1.setEndpoint(ts.URL__c+URL);//URL will be your Salesforce REST API end point where you will do POST,PUT,DELETE orGET
    HttpResponse res1 = h1.send(req1);
    system.debug('RESPONSE_BODY'+res1 .getbody());

    To deserialize the initial response here is wrapper class the above code uses-

    /*To get aouthentication detail Wrapper*/
    public class OAuth2{
    public String id{get;set;}
    public String issued_at{get;set;}
    public String instance_url{get;set;}
    public String signature{get;set;}
    public String access_token{get;set;}
    Hope this helps.

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