Hello Vishant,
You can use CSV parser for this..please refer the below example code where I have created one Visualforce page from where I am uplaoding the excel file .csv and extracting the records data and mapping with object columns
please check and let me know if it helps you
<apex:page sidebar="false" controller="UploadOpportunityScheduleLineItem">
<apex:form >
<apex:sectionHeader title="Upload data from CSV file"/>
<apex:pagemessages />
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:inputFile value="{!contentFile}" filename="{!nameFile}" />
<apex:commandButton action="{!ReadFile}" value="Upload File" id="theButton" style="width:70px;"/>
<br/> <br/>
<apex:pageBlocktable value="{!mapUnmatchedSchedules}" var="mapID" title="Unmathed Lines of CSV file">
<apex:column headervalue="Opportunity Id">
<apex:column headervalue="Oportunnity Name">
<apex:column headervalue="Month">
<apex:column headervalue="Year">
<apex:column headervalue="Actualized Amount">
public with sharing class UploadOpportunityScheduleLineItem
// Global variables
public string nameFile{get;set;}
public Blob contentFile{get;set;}
List<Schedule__c> lstScheduleToUpdate = new List<Schedule__c>();
public Schedule__C objSchedule{get;set;}
//String array for taking csv data by line.
String[] filelines = new String[]{};
//string array for taking csv columns.
String[] fileColumns = new String[]{};
//set for storing all id's from csv.
set<String> opptoupload{get;set;}
//map for storing data from csv.
public map<String,String> mapOppIDMonthYearToAccAmount{get;set;}
public map<String, List<String>> mapUnmatchedSchedules{get;set;}
//Main constructor
public UploadOpportunityScheduleLineItem()
//Initalizing required objects.
objSchedule = new Schedule__c();
opptoupload = new set<String>();
mapOppIDMonthYearToAccAmount = new map<String,String>();
mapUnmatchedSchedules = new map<String, List<String>>();
//Method to read file content and check extension and file format.
public Pagereference ReadFile()
//If without selecting csv file you clicked on upload it will give error message.
if(nameFile == null)
ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'You should select csv file to upload');
return null;
//Taking file extension.
String extension = nameFile.substring(nameFile.lastIndexOf('.')+1);
//Checking if file extension is .csv.
if(extension == 'csv' ||extension == 'CSV')
//Spliting by new line
filelines = nameFile.split('\n');
//Spliting values by (,) for checking coloumn size
fileColumns = filelines[0].split(',');
//If column size is 5 then only it will proceed.
if(fileColumns.size() ==5)
for (Integer i=1;i<filelines.size();i++)
String[] inputvalues = new String[]{};
inputvalues = filelines[i].split(',');
lstScheduleToUpdate = new List<Schedule__c>();
for(Schedule__c objSchedule : [select Opportunity__r.Id ,Month__c,Year__c,
Actualized_Amount__c from Schedule__c where
Opportunity__c IN :opptoupload])
String str = objSchedule.Opportunity__r.Id;
String str1;
str1 = str.substring(0, 15);
if(mapOppIDMonthYearToAccAmount.containsKey(str1 + objSchedule.Month__c +objSchedule.Year__c))
objSchedule.Actualized_Amount__c = decimal.valueOf(mapOppIDMonthYearToAccAmount.get(str1 + objSchedule.Month__c +objSchedule.Year__c).trim());
mapUnmatchedSchedules.remove(str1 + objSchedule.Month__c +objSchedule.Year__c);
//Checking if list is not empty then updating.
update lstScheduleToUpdate;
ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.info,'File uploaded successfully');
return null;
ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'There should be 5 columns in csv file');
return null;
return null;
//If file is not csv type then it will give error message.
ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'File type should be csv type');
return null;
Also, please mark this as best answer if it solves your issue...let me know if anything else needed.