Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions If we declare lightning style in a Salesforce lightning component does it affect lightning application?

  • Himanshu

    July 28, 2016 at 12:38 pm

    Hi  Pranav,

    if you use  this tag that's that helps you to provide the standard css in your lightning pages.

    <ltng:require styles=”{!$Resource.REPLACE_WITH_NAME_OF_SLDS_STATIC_RESOURCE +’/assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system-ltng.css’}”/>


  • Ajay Prakash

    February 28, 2018 at 4:58 am

    Hi Pranav,

    Only including the style from the static resource in your lightning component will neither affect your lightning component nor your Lightning application. However, it will affect the preview of the lightning application if the component is included in the Lightning application and uses the CSS attributes. The scope of this static resource will be limited to Lightning component.



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