Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions Name some of the API testing tools.

  • Prachi

    September 10, 2018 at 2:30 pm

    Hi Chanchal,

    The more API testing is popular, the more tools are available in the market. You can refer to this list for the reference. Generally, there are some common tools t: Postman, Katalon Studio, SoapUI, Tricentis Tosca.


  • Parul

    September 10, 2018 at 6:51 pm

    There are lots of API testing is available, the more tools are available in the market.

    Some of them used in Salesforce:

    1. Postman is a rest client that started off as a Chrome browser plugin but recently came out with native versions for both Mac and Windows.

    At a high level, you can use it to send a post request to your web server and it gives you the response back. It allows you to set up all the headers and cookies your API expects, and then check the response when it comes back.

    SoapUI is a headless functional testing tool from SmartBear software. It comes in two flavors: Free open source version and Pro Version. Since the free version is open-source, you can actually gain access to the full source code and modify as needed.

    Mockbin was recommended by Augusto Marietti. Mockbin allows you to generate custom endpoints to test, mock, and track HTTP requests & responses between libraries, sockets, and APIs.




  • Avnish

    September 11, 2018 at 6:54 am


    Best API Testing tools:

    The different tools used for API testing are enlisted below:

    1. SOAPUI
    2. Runscope
    3. LOADUI
    4. Automated API testing
    5. Curl

    There are few more others than these listed above tools which are used for API testing.

    Hope this will help thanks.

  • shariq

    September 11, 2018 at 1:42 pm


    Here are some of the top API testing tools that can be used for Rest and Soap Web Service Testing.
    Karate DSL.
    HttpMaster Express.
    Rest- Assured.
    Rest Console.
    RoboHydra Server.


  • Anurag

    September 11, 2018 at 1:46 pm

    Hi Chanchal,

    Here are some of the tools:

    1. SoapUI
    2. Katalon Studio
    3. Postman
    4. Tricentis Tosca
    5. Apigee
    6. JMeter
    7. Rest-Assured
    8. Assertible
    9. Karate DSL
    10. No one-size-fit-all tools



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