• Posted by rahul on July 24, 2021 at 2:03 am

    hey guys below is my query but before plz anwer me step wise detail how to setup role heirarcry in sharing setting. we have role as heirarcry manger(profile is manger) below that role is team lead and below role is executive team lead and executive has same profile user. team lead and executive can create or update record in assign object.manger can create /update/delete record in assign object.mangaer can see all record of team lead and executive.team lead can see only high priority object of executive,not all record owned by executive.executive can see only assign object record. plz guide me detail step wise and by using sharing setting

    Prafull replied 3 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Prafull

    August 8, 2021 at 6:26 am

    Hierarchy Manager (Profile = Manager) (Create, Update & Delete the Assign Object Record)
    |---> Team lead (Create, Update for Assign Object) (See their own record and high priority assign object record)
    |---> Executive team lead (Create, Update for Assign Object) (See their own record)

    You want to apply both object level & record level security on Assign Object
    For Object Level Security, we firstly need to restrict the access means only providing create, update in the
    Profile Manager --> Making a permission set in which we're providing the delete access of assign object and then
    add this permission set to Hierarchy Manager User.
    There is new feature called Restriction rule (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.restriction_rules.meta/restriction_rules/restriction_rules_about.htm#:~:text=Restriction%20rules%20let%20you%20enhance,t%20essential%20to%20their%20work)
    in current release, you can look into that.
    For Field Level Security
    Setup--> Role Hierarchy --> Making 3 roles (Given below at top) and assign it to respective user with same profile Manager (But Add permission set to Hierarchy Manager for delete access)
    Setup--> Sharing Setting--> Edit --> Assign --> Internal User --> Private --> in right side check the grant using role hierarchy
    Setup --> Assign Object --> Make picklist--> Priority Type--> Add (High Priority, Low Priority by default= High Priority)
    Setup--> Sharing Setting--> Scroll below to Assign Object Sharing Setting Permission --> New -->
    (1st) Add Label & API Name -->
    (2nd) Based on record Field If Priority_Type__c = High Priority
    (3rd) Share it to Roles = Team Lead & Executive Team Lead (Or you can make a public in which this role will added)
    Now click on save & you're done

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