Salesforce Trigger is not working, anyone help me with this code
Create object : Condidate__c
Fields : (All Text fields)
First Name
Last Name
Manage Brokerage
Condidate Status (Webinar - Attended , Webinar -Not Attended)
User Created ( checkbox)
On insert:- Create Account if Brokerage !=null
- Create another account if Manage Brokerage != null and set parentId = Brokerage account id (created in 1 point)
- Create new contact record and set accountId = Manage Brokerage account id (created in 2 point)
- create new field condidate__c(lookup) on contact and fill it with Condidate__c record id
- Create task record for contact record (created in point 3)
Task.WhoId = contactId
Task.WhatId = Condidate__c
Task.Subject = 'Portal Contact Setup';
On Update :
if Condidate__c Status = Webinar - Attended and User Created = false ,
Create Portal user for Condidate child contact created in 3 point.trigger CreateContactcase on Hire_Form__c (before insert,before update){ list<Contact> conlist=new list<Contact>(); list<case> caselist=new list<case>(); if(trigger.isinsert){ for(Hire_Form__c hire:trigger.new){ if(hire.Status__c=='In Progress'){ Contact con=new Contact(); con.FirstName='Hire'; con.LastName='Trigger'; con.Email='[email protected]'; con.Phone='123456'; conlist.add(con); //hire.Candidate__c=con.Id; } } insert conlist; system.debug('=====>'+conlist); for(Contact con1:conlist){ case cc=new case(); cc.ContactId=con1.Id; cc.Status='New'; cc.Origin='Phone'; //cc.Id=conlist[0].Id; caselist.add(cc); } insert caselist; system.debug('=====>'+caselist); } if(Trigger.isupdate){ for(Hire_Form__c hire:trigger.new){ for(case c:caselist){ if(hire.Status__c=='completed' && hire.Status__c !=trigger.oldmap.get(hire.Id).Status__c){ c.Status='closed'; } } update caselist; system.debug('====>'+caselist); } } }
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