Splitting label values on '\n' is not getting same values on comparing
When i am comparing two same values in label by splitting values on the basis of '\n'
It is getting some problem on the last value of the list returned by System.Label.QuoteFCLFix_OriginServices.split('\n')
How can i solve this issue?
for(String c: System.Label.QuoteFCL_OriginServices.split('\n')) {
FCLOriginServices.add(new wrappingServices(c));
}list<wrappingServices> tempWrapList = new list<wrappingServices>();
for(wrappingServices objWrap : FCLOriginServices){
for(String c: System.Label.QuoteFCLFix_OriginServices.split('\n')) {
if(objWrap.label == c ){
objWrap.selected = true;
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