Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What are the limitation of Custom Fields that are Allowed Per Object in salesforce?

  • Radhakrishna

    March 30, 2017 at 11:06 am

    Custom Fields Allowed Per Object

    Limits for the number of custom fields by edition.

    The number of custom fields allowed per object varies according to your Salesforce Edition. The maximum number of activities, long text area fields, rich text area fields, relationship fields, and roll-up summary fields varies as well.

    An object can contain unlimited rich text area and long text area fields, although your edition’s limit for total custom fields allowed on an object, regardless of field type, applies. Each object can contain 1,600,000 characters across long text area and rich text area fields. When you create a long text area or rich text area field, you set a character limit for the field—the maximum length of the text that can be entered. The default character limit for long text area and rich text area fields is 32,768 (32 KB). The maximum character limit for long text area and rich text area fields is 131,072 (128 KB). The minimum character limit is 256. The maximum size of an image that can be uploaded in a rich text area field is 1 MB.

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