Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What are the properties inside LoginScopeHeader in Salesforce?

  • Avnish

    August 2, 2018 at 8:08 am

    Hello Madhulika,

    The properties inside the LoginScopeHeader element concern the authentication of Self-Service and Customer Portal users. It specifies your organization ID using the existing login().

    There are two fields inside the LoginScopeHeader:-

    1.  organizationId - The ID of the organization against which you will authenticate Self-Service users.
    2.  portalId - Specify only if user is a Customer Portal user. The ID of the portal for this organization. The ID is available in the Salesforce user interface:
      a. From Setup, enter Customer Portal Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Customer Portal Settings
      b. Select a Customer Portal name, and on the Customer Portal detail page, the URL of the Customer Portal displays. The Portal ID is in the URL.


  • shariq

    September 17, 2018 at 11:33 pm


    Specifies your organization ID so that you can authenticate Self-Service users for your organization using the existing login().

    Example -

    /// Demonstrates how to set the LoginScopeHeader values.
    public void LoginScopeHeaderSample()
    // Web Reference to the imported Partner WSDL.
    APISamples.partner.SforceService partnerBinding;

    string username = "USERNAME";
    string password = "PASSWORD";

    // The real Client ID will be an API Token provided by
    // to partner applications following a security review. For more details,
    // see the Security Review FAQ in the online help.
    string clientId = "SampleCaseSensitiveToken/100";

    partnerBinding = new SforceService();
    partnerBinding.CallOptionsValue = new CallOptions();
    partnerBinding.CallOptionsValue.client = clientId;

    // To authenticate Self-Service users, we need to set the OrganizationId
    // in the LoginScopeHeader.
    string orgId = "00ID0000OrgFoo";
    partnerBinding.LoginScopeHeaderValue = new LoginScopeHeader();
    partnerBinding.LoginScopeHeaderValue.organizationId = orgId;
    // Specify the Portal ID if the user is a Customer Portal user.
    string portalId = "00ID0000FooPtl";
    partnerBinding.LoginScopeHeaderValue.portalId = portalId;

    APISamples.partner.LoginResult lr =
    partnerBinding.login(username, password);
    catch (SoapException e)

    Hope this helps.

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