Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What bothers you the most when using Salesforce?

  • What bothers you the most when using Salesforce?

    Posted by Brimit on February 6, 2024 at 11:29 am

    Working with organizations that use Salesforce, we’ve noticed some common issues that undermine the productivity of their Orgs. We added them below. Could we ask for your help? It would be great if you could write what bothers you too. Then, we’ll tell you how some of them can be resolved.

    What bothers you the most when using Salesforce?
    1. Unused features I paid for
    2. Hitting governor limits
    3. Bugs caused by customization
    4. <Your answer>

    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  Brimit.
    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  Brimit.
    Brimit replied 1 year, 1 month ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Brimit

    February 7, 2024 at 10:48 am

    It's time to share our own observation of the issues that bother Salesforce users most when using their orgs and discuss some approaches to dealing with known issues.
    This is a short overview of the issues and solutions. Please refer to this article to get the full information

    Hitting Limits
    46% of my respondents sometimes encounter issues with hitting limits. Let’s see what limits can be hit and how to avoid this.
    Apex governor limitsTo prevent the monopolization of Salesforce’s shared resources in a multi-tenant environment, the concept of governor limits is applied. Apex code won’t work when you exceed these limits, which means you should try to review it. There are two big problems here.
    CPU Time Limit Exceeded arises when automations (Apex, Flow, etc.) take too long.
    Heap Size Limit occurs when too much data is stored in memory while executing Apex code.

    API request limits
    Salesforce also restricts the number of incoming API requests per organization/24 hours; the total number available is calculated by multiplying the number of active licenses by the quota per license and adding the number of base licenses available.So, if you can’t gain access to data in your org using a third-party app integration, it would be best to use a different API that saves your request or use bulk APIs.

    Storage limitsSalesforce encourages users to scale up as an organization grows and the volume of business operations expands. As the volume of data to be stored increases, so does the time it takes to perform certain operations. Which increases the time required to perform certain operations. Salesforce storage is divided into two categories—file storage and data storage. Both of them need to be optimized.
    Bugs caused by customization
    Any custom-developed software usually has bugs, as it is not possible to foresee everything and plan for every edge case and dependency. However, there are some practices that you can follow to minimize the number of bugs and their impact.

    Underused subscription features
    Sometimes, Salesforce users purchase licenses for products that end up never being used. They either don’t need the products or don’t know how to start using them or take advantage of certain features.
    First, check the summary data on the company information page in the setup menu to start dealing with unused licenses and underused product features. Then, you’ll probably need a competent Salesforce administrator to help you optimize your tool set.

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