Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What is a Matrix Report in Salesforce?

  • shariq

    September 23, 2018 at 10:37 pm

    Matrix reports is salesforce are those where the data is arranged in grid format having rows and columns. Data is arranged vertically and horizontally in tables like excel format.

  • Parul

    September 24, 2018 at 1:26 am

    Matrix Reports in Salesforce are those where the data is arranged in grid format having rows and columns.

    Matrix Reports are a special report similar to a pivot table. Matrix reports are not uncommon and are useful for measuring trends.

    Matrix report has groups of data based on columns and rows. This report can be used to represent comparison between related total with total by row and total by column.

  • Anurag

    September 24, 2018 at 1:30 pm


    Use a matrix to display grouped data and summary information. You can group data by multiple fields or expressions in row and column groups. Matrices provide functionality similar to crosstabs and pivot tables. At run time, as the report data and data regions are combined, a matrix grows horizontally and vertically on the page. Values in matrix cells display aggregate values scoped to the intersection of the row and column groups to which the cell belongs. You can format the rows and columns to highlight the data you want to emphasize. You can also include drilldown toggles that initially hide detail data; the user can then click the toggles to display more or less detail as needed.

  • Avnish

    September 29, 2018 at 10:00 pm


    Salesforce Matrix report is similar to Summary reports and is the most complex Salesforce report format where records data is summarized in a grid format. Matrix reports allow records to summarize data by both columns and rows. Salesforce Matrix report is used to compare related tools.


  • Arun

    February 5, 2020 at 1:31 pm

    Matrix reports are used when two different types of data need to be summarized alongside each other. They’re used to check how one data dimension behaves against another one.

    Matrix reports allows users to group unrelated records by rows and columns. It also presents the data in a table layout so it would be easy to check the various intersections between data groups. Graphic data representations, such as graphs, can also be inserted to the report. This report format can also be used in dashboards.

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