Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What is Live Agent Configuration Settings in Salesforce?

  • Prachi

    July 30, 2018 at 1:39 pm

    Hello shradha,

    Live Agent configurations define the Live Agent functionality that’s available to your agents and support supervisors when agents chat with customers. Create Live Agent configurations to control the functionality of Live Agent in the Salesforce console.

    Live Agent configuration settings control the functionality that’s available to agents and their supervisors while agents chat with customers.


  • Avnish

    July 30, 2018 at 1:41 pm

    Hi Shradha,

    Using Live agent, Service representatives can directly chat with customers and resolve the customer issue. Live Agent is a native tool provided by Salesforce which can be setup by point and clicks and no need of programming is needed. For setup information watch videos on youtube.



  • shariq

    September 18, 2018 at 11:15 pm


    Adding more points to above answer -

    Live Agent configuration settings control the functionality that’s available to agents and their supervisors while agents chat with customers.

    Available in: Salesforce Classic
    Available in: Performance Editions and in Developer Edition orgs that were created after June 14, 2012

    Available in: Unlimited Edition with the Service Cloud

    Available for an additional cost in: Enterprise and Unlimited Editions
    Apply settings when you create or edit a Live Agent configuration.
    Basic Information
    Configure the basic functionality that’s available to agents when they chat with customers.


    Live Agent Configuration Name
    Name of this configuration.

    This configuration name, or a version of it, automatically becomes the Developer Name.
    Developer Name
    Sets the API name for this configuration.
    Chat Capacity
    Indicates how many chats an agent who is assigned to this configuration can be engaged in at the same time.
    Sneak Peek Enabled
    Indicates whether agents can see what a chat customer is typing before the customer sends a chat message.
    Request Sound Enabled
    Indicates whether to play an audio alert when the agent receives a new chat request.
    Disconnect Sound Enabled
    Indicates whether to play an audio alert when a chat is disconnected.
    Notifications Enabled
    Indicates whether to display a desktop alert when an agent receives a new chat request.
    Custom Agent Name
    Sets the agent’s name as it appears to customers in the chat window.


    Hope this helps.

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