Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What is OAuth connected Apps in Salesforce?

  • Marziya

    April 23, 2020 at 12:58 pm

    Hii Anjali,
    OAuth-enabled connected apps are integrated with Salesforce, so they can access a subset of your Salesforce data after you explicitly grant each app permission. Go to your personal settings to see which connected apps have permission to access your Salesforce data. Then revoke a connected app's access, as needed


    April 23, 2020 at 1:00 pm

    A connected app is a framework that enables an external application to integrate with Salesforce using APIs and standard protocols, such as SAML, OAuth, and OpenID Connect. Connected apps use these protocols to authenticate, authorize, and provide single sign-on (SSO) for external apps. The external apps that are integrated with Salesforce can run on the customer success platform, other platforms, devices, or SaaS subscriptions. For example, when you log in to your Salesforce mobile app and see your data from your Salesforce org, you’re using a connected app.

  • Ratnesh

    April 23, 2020 at 1:07 pm

    Create the Connected App
    -From Setup, enter App Manager in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager.
    -Click New Connected App.
    -Enter the connected app name and your email address: ...
    -Select Enable OAuth Settings.
    -Select Use digital signatures.
    -To upload your server. ...
    -For OAuth scopes, add: ...
    -Click Save.

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