Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What is the difference between custom app and console app in Salesforce?

  • Sumit

    June 10, 2020 at 6:32 am

    A custom application is a collection of tabs, objects etc that function together to solve a particular problem. A console application uses a specific Salesforce UI - the console. Console applications are intended to enhance productivity by allowing everything to be done from a single, tabbed, screen.

  • Shweta

    June 10, 2020 at 11:28 am

    Custom App: It is a public-facing website and customized to solve a specific business problem. It requires Visual Force, Apex, and Javascript skills.It solves complex business problems
    Console App: It is built from the Salesforce Panel and sits on top of the Salesforce Panel and uses Salesforce UI. it is a collection of tabs, objects. This will be a fairly simple application that will help to support Sales, Support, etc functionality.

  • Marziya

    June 10, 2020 at 2:06 pm

    Hii Ratnesh,
    Custom App::-- It is a public-facing website and customized to solve a specific business problem. It requires Visual Force, Apex, and Javascript skills.It solves complex business problems
    Console App::-- It is built from the Salesforce Panel and sits on top of the Salesforce Panel and uses Salesforce UI

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