What is the pass Id of current record to Salesforce Apex Controller?
I'm working on a Visualforce Email Template which will be sent from the parent Loan (LLC_BI__Loan__c) record in Salesforce, and I'm trying to include fields from the child Entity Involvement (LLC_BI__Legal_Entities__c) record(s).
I'm attempting to pass the Loan record ID into the Controller using the ApexPages.StandardSetController method, but I think it may be failing due to the fact that the Visualforce component is being used in the email template and not on a record page.
I'm unable to pass the correct parent (Loan) Id to get the correct child records. Can anyone see where I may be going wrong ?
Thank you in advance.
Component: <apex:component controller="BorrowerRecordsFromLoans" access="global"> <apex:attribute name="currentRecordId" description="" assignTo="{!loanId}" type="Id"/> <apex:dataTable value="{!borrowerList}" var="borrower"> <apex:column > <apex:facet name="header">Borrower Name</apex:facet> {!borrower.LLC_BI__Account__r.Name} </apex:column> </apex:dataTable> </apex:component>
Controller: public class BorrowersOnLoans { public Id loanId {get;set;} private final LLC_BI__Loan__c loan; public BorrowersOnLoans (ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) { loan = (LLC_BI__Loan__c) controller.getRecord(); } public List<LLC_BI__Legal_Entities__c> getrelatedBorrowers() { List <LLC_BI__Legal_Entities__c> conList = New List<LLC_BI__Legal_Entities__c>(); for(LLC_BI__Loan__c ln: [SELECT id,name, (SELECT id, LLC_BI__Borrower_Type__c, LLC_BI__Account__r.Name FROM LLC_BI__Legal_Entities__r) FROM LLC_BI__Loan__c WHERE id = :loanId]) { for(LLC_BI__Legal_Entities__c con:ln.LLC_BI__Legal_Entities__r) conList.add(con); } return conList; } }
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