Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What is the sequence of migrating data from one Salesforce org to another?

  • Anurag

    September 4, 2018 at 1:52 pm

    Hi Anjali,

    • First we need to make sure that you have Ant migration tool in your system.We will need it to provide the details of the credentials and the type of metadata you want to migrate.
    • We also need to have Java and Apache Ant installed on your system.
    • Second step is to load the credentials of both the salesforce org in the file called ''.
    • The credentials that we provide is what it passes to the file 'build.xml' .When the data is being migrated, the build.xml file is what is used.
    • Then we provide the details of the metadata that we want to migrate to the org.It could be anything such as apex classes, custom and standard objects, custom fields, aura bundles etc. We provide these details in the file 'package.xml'.
    • After providing all the details, we first retrieve the data from the salesforce org using the command 'ant retrieveUnpackaged' and followed by 'ant deployUnpackaged' after the retrieving has been successfully done.
    • Before doing these we must make sure that the path has been set up to the directory of the 'unpackaged' folder.


  • Parul

    September 24, 2018 at 12:11 am

    Your question is too broad.
    You should import first parent records and then import the child records.
    Like this sequence:

    Also, rather than migrating all the data from one sandbox to other, you can think of refreshing a sandbox from the sandbox itself as long as sandbox types are same.

  • Michael

    October 22, 2021 at 8:48 am

    Well, your steps should be the following:
    1. Backup. Always take a backup before performing any form of data migration
    2. Sort your data before migrating
    3. Create your data migration plan
    4. Create a data migration workbook
    5. Create a communications schedule
    6. Documentation is vital to a successful Salesforce data migration. Be sure to document each and every step before, during, and after the migration
    You can learn more in this blog post on Salesforce Data Migration:

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  Michael Tomar.
  • CRMJetty

    June 14, 2022 at 11:11 am
  • Tetiana

    June 23, 2022 at 11:54 am

    Hi Anjali,
    The whole sequence depends on your preparation. In general, it all boils down to several steps:

    1. Choose the time for data migration and inform the team. This way, you have enough time to prepare for data migration.
    2. Create custom fields and agent profiles on a new Salesforce org. Then while mapping data, you can match the current ones with the target.
    3. Set up categories and sections on a target Salesforce account. This way, you can migrate knowledge base data too.
    4. Turn off notifications and phone duplication.
    5. Run a Demo Migration. Then check the results to see if everything migrated accurately.

    For more details on each step, check out this guide.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  Tetiana.

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