Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What is the use of LockResult Class in Salesforce ?

  • Anuj

    August 26, 2020 at 2:19 pm

    The <samp>System.Approval.lock()</samp> methods return Approval.LockResult objects. Each element in a LockResult array corresponds to an element in the ID or sObject array passed as a parameter to a <samp>lock</samp> method. The first element in the LockResult array corresponds to the first element in the ID or sObject array, the second element corresponds to the second element, and so on. If only one ID or sObject is passed in, the LockResult array contains a single element.

  • Shweta

    August 28, 2020 at 3:16 pm

    In the lockresult class, System.Approval.lock() methods return Approval.LockResult objects. Each element in a LockResult array corresponds to an element in the ID or sObject array passed as a parameter to a lock method. The first element in the LockResult array corresponds to the first element in the ID or sObject array, the second element corresponds to the second element, and so on. If only one ID or sObject is passed in, the LockResult array contains a single element.

  • Sumit

    August 30, 2020 at 4:03 pm

    The <samp>System.Approval.lock()</samp> methods return Approval.LockResult objects. Each element in a LockResult array corresponds to an element in the ID or sObject array passed as a parameter to a <samp>lock</samp> method. The first element in the LockResult array corresponds to the first element in the ID or sObject array, the second element corresponds to the second element, and so on. If only one ID or sObject is passed in, the LockResult array contains a single element.

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