what values my Custom Salesforce Visualforce edit page does not show?
I have a simple edit page on a custom object with a 'simple' controller extension (as I need a custom save method). However .. the VF page does no show any values .... (and no error).
Public Account MyAcc { get; set; } Public Account_PriceBook__c acc { get; set; } public Account_PriceBook__c AccPB { get; set; } //** Class constructor (Always loaded ....) public DEPT_AcContPcBControllerExt(ApexPages.StandardController Controller) { acc = (account_pricebook__c)controller.getRecord(); String modeStr = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Mode'); TextDescription = ''; system.debug('*** ** *** Record id'+Acc.id); system.debug('*** ** *** Mode'+modeStr); if (acc != null && acc.Id != null){ Account_PriceBook__c AccPB = [SELECT id, Price__c,Account_Lookup__c,Description__c, AgencyLookup__c,Product_Lookup__c,marge__c from account_pricebook__c where id = :acc.id]; system.debug('*** ** *** Account id'+AccPB.Account_Lookup__c); system.debug('*** ** *** Description'+AccPB.Description__c); MyAcc = [SELECT id,name FROM account WHERE id=: AccPB.Account_Lookup__c LIMIT 1]; system.debug('*** ** *** Account Name'+MyAcc.Name); } } //** End of constructor
The VF page outputfield (or input) shows no value ...
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem > <apex:outputLabel >Product</apex:outputLabel> <apex:outputField value="{!accpb.Product_Lookup__c}"/> </apex:pageBlockSectionItem>
So ... I must be overlooking something .. but what ...
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