saloni gupta
saloni gupta started the discussion Unable to see newly created fields in my Custom Report Type in Salesforce in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 6 years ago
Unable to see newly created fields in my Custom Report Type in Salesforce
I am unable to see some of the newly created fields in my Custom Report Type.
saloni gupta started the discussion How can I increase the Standard Date field year Range in Visualforce? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 6 years ago
How can I increase the Standard Date field year Range in Visualforce?
How can I increase the Standard Date field year Range in Visualforce?
saloni gupta started the discussion How to get the old value of a field in a Salesforce Apex Controller? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 7 years ago
How to get the old value of a field in a Salesforce Apex Controller?
I have to access the old value of a field in Apex VF controller.
santosh and
saloni gupta are now connected 7 years ago
sales and
saloni gupta are now connected 7 years ago
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saloni gupta are now connected 7 years ago
Guha and
saloni gupta are now connected 7 years ago
saloni gupta replied to the discussion how to set Button enable and disable mode in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 7 years ago
Reply to how to set Button enable and disable mode
Hi Uday,
Use the folllowing code.
VF page:
<apex:page controller="buttonEnableCont">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock id="fid">
<apex:selectList value="{!selectop}" multiselect="false" size="1" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!select}" id="sid" >
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange"… Read more -
saloni gupta replied to the discussion what is the difference between external lookups and indirect lookups in Salesforce? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 7 years ago
Reply to what is the difference between external lookups and indirect lookups in Salesforce?
External lookup relationship
External lookup relationship links a child standard, custom, or external object to a parent external object. The values of the standard External ID field on the parent external object are matched against the values of the external lookup relationship field. For a child external object, the values of the… Read more
saloni gupta replied to the discussion What is difference between Queues and Public Group and when do we use public group or Queues in Salesforce? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 7 years ago
Queue and groups are both are same ,which will hold group of users, But in working environment we can functionality we need to decide which will use in proper way,
Suppose in the case of Lead Assignment,
1 . Scenario like Each user should assigned to at least one lead and same number of leads.
That means user need to handle assigned… Read more
saloni gupta replied to the discussion State differences between Bearer and OAuth 2 tokens in Salesforce? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 7 years ago
Reply to State differences between Bearer and OAuth 2 tokens in Salesforce?
Hi aman,
OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token profile brings a simplified scheme for authentication. This specification describes how to use bearer tokens in HTTP requests to access OAuth 2.0 protected resources. Any party in possession of a bearer token (a "bearer") can use it to get access to the associated resources (without demonstrating possession of… Read more
saloni gupta started the discussion How to access map on visualforce page? in the forum 7 years ago
How to access map on visualforce page?
I want to access map on pageblocktable in visualforce page.
saloni gupta replied to the discussion How can I get all the Fields of an sObject in Salesforce apex class without hardcoding? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 7 years ago
Reply to How can I get all the Fields of an sObject in Salesforce apex class without hardcoding?
Hi Mohit,
You can try this :-
string fields = '';
Map<String,Schema.SObjectField> fieldMap = Schema.SObjectType.Opportunity.fields.getMap();
for(String field : fieldMap.keySet())
fields += field + ', ';
System.debug('fiedsOpportunity=='+fields); -
saloni gupta started the discussion in which scenario, we should use static method in VF page contoller? in the forum 7 years ago
in which scenario, we should use static method in VF page contoller?
my controller is not giving right output if i am using all methods and variables static in my code.
saloni gupta started the discussion in which scenario, we should use static method in VF page contoller? in the forum 7 years ago
in which scenario, we should use static method in VF page contoller?
my controller is not giving right output if i using static methods in my code.
saloni gupta replied to the discussion what is the difference between pageBlockTable and PanelGrid in Salesforce? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 7 years ago
Reply to what is the difference between pageBlockTable and PanelGrid in Salesforce?
hi aman,
apex:pageBlockTable represents a table formatted and styled to look like a related list table.
apex:panelGrid is placed into a corresponding cell in the first row until the number of columns is reached. At that point, the next component wraps to the next row and is placed in the first cell.
<apex:panelGrid… Read more
saloni gupta replied to the discussion What is Text(Encrypted) Data type in Salesforce sobject? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 7 years ago
Reply to What is Text(Encrypted) Data type in Salesforce sobject?
hi shariq,
Encrypted Custom Fields are a new field type (released after winter 08) that allows users to store sensitive data in encrypted form and apply a mask when the data is displayed.
Some important points :
User profiles who have the “View Encrypted Data” configuration enabled will be able to view the field normally.
Users who do not… Read more -
Pavan and
saloni gupta are now connected 7 years ago
Gaurav Tiwari and
saloni gupta are now connected 7 years ago
saloni gupta replied to the discussion How we get List of sibling Contact in a Salesforce Trigger? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 7 years ago
Reply to How we get List of sibling Contact in a Salesforce Trigger?
Hi Shubham,
You can refer this code for getting all the siblings of any contact.
Set<id> accid = new Set<id>();
for(Contact c : Trigger.old){
List<contact> con = [select id, accountid, Start_Date__c, End_Date__c from contact where Account.Id in : accid AND Id not IN : Trigger.old];Map<id,List<Contact>>… Read more
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