Forum Replies Created

  • Hi Tanu

    Can you explain the question a little so that the requirement is understood properly?

  • shafali

    April 29, 2016 at 10:35 am in reply to: Why do we use matching rule in Salesforce?

    Hi Satyakam

    Matching rules use criteria to determine how closely a field on a new or edited record matches the same field on an existing record, and, ultimately, whether the two records are duplicates. When you create a custom matching rule, you need to define certain criteria. For standard matching rules, the criteria are already defined for you.

    This link will give you a detailed description.

  • shafali

    April 29, 2016 at 10:15 am in reply to: How to query records from sObject for 50000+ records?


  • shafali

    April 29, 2016 at 8:06 am in reply to: How can I create custom object using the Metadata API from Apex?

    Hi Piyush,

    Try this:

    HTTP h = new HTTP();
    HTTPRequest req = new HTTPRequest();
    req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
    req.setHeader('SOAPAction', 'create');

    String b = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
    b += '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">';
    b += '<soapenv:Header>';
    b += '<ns1:SessionHeader soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns:ns1="">';
    b += '<ns1:sessionId>' + UserInfo.getSessionId() + '</ns1:sessionId>';
    b += '</ns1:SessionHeader>';
    b += '</soapenv:Header>';
    b += '<soapenv:Body>';
    b += '<create xmlns="">';
    b += '<metadata xsi:type="ns2:CustomObject" xmlns:ns2="">';
    b += '<fullName>sample__c</fullName>';
    b += '<deploymentStatus>Deployed</deploymentStatus>';
    b += '<description>created by the Metadata API</description>';
    b += '<enableActivities>true</enableActivities>';
    b += '<label>sample Object</label>';
    b += '<nameField>';
    b += '<displayFormat>AN-{0000}</displayFormat>';
    b += '<label>sample__c Name</label>';
    b += '<type>AutoNumber</type>';
    b += '</nameField>';
    b += '<pluralLabel>sample Objects</pluralLabel>';
    b += '<sharingModel>ReadWrite</sharingModel>';
    b += '</metadata>';
    b += '</create>';
    b += '</soapenv:Body>';
    b += '</soapenv:Envelope>';

    HTTPResponse resp = h.send(req);

  • shafali

    April 28, 2016 at 11:37 am in reply to: What are the best practices followed when writing a test class?


    You can refer to


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by  shafali.
  • shafali

    April 28, 2016 at 10:51 am in reply to: Custom Javascript button error - dialog is not a function

    Hi Abhinav,
    TypeError: $(...).dialog is not a function is the error you get out of Firefox when you have not loaded jquery UI. Other browsers have equivalent errors. You can

    (1) Double check that your dev server has a working and non-firewalled connection to, or better yet -

    (2) Download a minified jquery-ui.js and include it in a third-party or lib directory on your server, then source it from there (this is commonly seen practice).


  • shafali

    April 28, 2016 at 8:44 am in reply to: What are the tools to help import my data into Salesforce?

    You have two options provided by Salesforce:

    1) Salesforce Import Wizard: The easiest option built into your application. To open it go to Your Name | Setup | Data Management. It works with any Salesforce edition and in many cases is enough to get your data imported.

    2) Data Loader: Data Loader is another tool provided by Salesforce. It is a standalone application for Mac or PC and is available for download at I would call it an advanced version of Import Wizard that allows you to do more sophisticated migration tricks. You need to be at least on Enterprise Edition to use the Data Loader.

    Also, various third party vendors have built data import tools.

    If you want to learn more :

  • shafali

    April 26, 2016 at 12:33 pm in reply to: Who should use Analytics Cloud?

    Hi Piyush,

    Enlisted can use salesforce analytics cloud:

    1. Every business user.
    2. Analysts.
    3. Admins and IT.
    4. Developers.

  • shafali

    April 14, 2016 at 9:26 am in reply to: Is there any way to validate UTF-8 in regex?

    This might need some refinement, but my understanding is \p{L} will match "a single code point in the category 'letter'". Try this:

    String FirstName = 'Fredé';

    Pattern regexPattern = Pattern.compile('^[\\p{L}\\. \'-]+$');
    Matcher regexMatcher = regexPattern.matcher(FirstName);

    if (!regexMatcher.matches()) {
    System.debug(LoggingLevel.Warn, 'No Matches');
    } else {
    System.debug(LoggingLevel.Debug, 'Matches');

    According to the Regex Tutorial: Unicode Character Properties you will probably need to add \p{M}*to optionally match any diacritics:

  • shafali

    April 14, 2016 at 9:02 am in reply to: API version Apex Class


  • shafali

    April 14, 2016 at 9:00 am in reply to: Skip trigger while I insert or update my custom object record?

    If the 'skip' has to be done on the conditional basis, on the very same conditions you can introduce a dummy checkbox field that is not visible to anyone and let the trigger bypass the record if the checkbox is checked or true.

  • Here is my json and js file that am using:

    "name": "MyExtension",
    "version": "1.0",
    "description": "Bravo watch videos here!",
    "permissions": ["tabs", "http://*/*"],
    "content_scripts" : [{
    "matches" : [ "*"],
    "js" : ["shafali.js"]

    shafali.js :

    function state() { console.log("State transit"); }
    var player = document.getElementById("videoPlayer");
    player.addEventListener("onStateChange", "state");

    I am trying to use the above code when developing my chrome extension which is to play youtube videos. But when I see the console the msg shows only 'Started!' not 'State transit' . What am I doing wrong?