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Pardeep and
Sourabh are now connected 8 years ago
Mohit and
Sourabh are now connected 8 years ago
Shaik and
Sourabh are now connected 8 years ago
Krishna Dev and
Sourabh are now connected 8 years ago
Sourabh replied to the discussion Can I Insert a Static Resource using Apex Code in Salesforce? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Reply to Can I Insert a Static Resource using Apex Code in Salesforce?
Hi Ajit,
Metadata Api can help you out for creating static resource, Do someting like this:-
MetadataService.MetadataPort service = createService();
MetadataService.StaticResource staticResource = new MetadataService.StaticResource();
staticResource.fullName = 'MyResource';
staticResource.contentType = 'text';
staticResource.cacheControl… Read more -
Prasad and
Sourabh are now connected 8 years ago
Sourabh replied to the discussion How to get Custom field id in Salesforce? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Reply to How to get Custom field id in Salesforce?
Hi Tanu,
To get custom field Id in Salesforce you have to use Tooling Api. Here is a piece of code , Hopefully it will help you.
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + UserInfo.getSessionID());
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');String toolingendpoint… Read more
Sourabh started the discussion Sharepoint Salesforce Integration - How to get download link? in the forum 8 years ago
Sharepoint Salesforce Integration - How to get download link?
Need to Download files coming from sharepoint in salesforce. How to achieve this without login into sharepoint?
Thanks in advance..
Rohit and
Sourabh are now connected 8 years ago
Abhinav and
Sourabh are now connected 8 years ago
Sourabh replied to the discussion How can I change the width / height of an apex:inputField on a VisualForce page? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Reply to How can I change the width / height of an apex:inputField on a VisualForce page?
Hi Tanu,
<apex:inputfield> tag contains style element in which you can put styling as you needed.
example: <apex:inputfield value="{!value from controller}" style="height:100px;width:100px">
Sourabh replied to the discussion Is there any way to can create the profile in the salesforce in apex test class. How? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Reply to Is there any way to can create the profile in the salesforce in apex test class. How?
Hi Mohit,
You cannot create profiles in apex code, either through tests or otherwise, this is presumably a security limitation.
Sourabh replied to the discussion How to show PickList field as Radio Buttons on Visualforce Page? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Reply to How to show PickList field as Radio Buttons on Visualforce Page?
Hi Tanu,
Try this code , Hope so it will be helpful for you..
public List<SelectOption> getTypes(){
Schema.sObjectType sobject_type = customObject__c.getSObjectType();Schema.DescribeSObjectResult sobject_describe = sobject_type.getDescribe();
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> field_map… Read more
Sourabh replied to the discussion How can we get the distinct account name of account object on Salesforce? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Reply to How can we get the distinct account name of account object on Salesforce?
Hi Mohit,
Giving you the code for getting distinct Account name using 'set'...
List<Account> acclist = new List<Account>();
Set<String> setName = new Set<String>();
acclist = [select id,Name other fields from Account] ;
for (Integer i = 0; i< acclist.size(); i++)
setName.add(acclist[i].Name); // It will contains… Read more
Sourabh replied to the discussion Is there any way to perform arithematic operation using Apex tags on page itself? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Reply to Is there any way to perform arithematic operation using Apex tags on page itself?
Hi Mohit,
For performing arithematic operations on page itself you can use javascript/jquery or there is an apex tag named 'Apex:variable' which can be very handy for performing simple arithematic operations on visual force pages.
Sourabh replied to the discussion Is there any way to perform DML operation on external database and how? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Reply to Is there any way to perform DML operation on external database and how?
Hi Mohit,
For performing DML operations on external systems, first you have to integrate with that system. You can use either REST api or SOAP api to integrate with external system.
After successfully integration you can perform the DML operations.
Sourabh replied to the discussion How can I show report or dashboard on vf page? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Reply to How can I show report or dashboard on vf page?
Hi Pranav,
If you want to add standard reports/dashboards to a VF page, you have to use iframe for it.
You can set the source of the iframe to the URL of your report/dashboard.eg.
<apex:page >
<apex:iframe src="url of your report/dashboard" scrolling="true" id="theIframe"/>
Sourabh replied to the discussion How can we write a such apex controller class which can be used by multiple vf pages on requirement? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Hi Shekar,
Actually i have written it incorrect, sorry for that.
If you are not using StandardController do:-
<apex:page controller=”ControllerName”>
Sourabh replied to the discussion How to create a vf page automatically on creation of Account? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Reply to How to create a vf page automatically on creation of Account?
Hi Shekhar,
I am providing you an example of Dynamic Page creation using ApexTooling Api.*Here i have created a vf page in which the object name is entered(custom/standard) on entering object name in input field & clicking on 'create page', a page is been created dynamically refrencing to the object in StandardController.
* Make sure you… Read more
Sourabh replied to the discussion How can I get multi functionality of two buttons in single button using controller extensions? in the forum Salesforce® Discussions 8 years ago
Hi Pranav,
You can use 'action' and 'onclick' respectively on a single button click.
For eg.
<apex:commandButton action="{!savePDF}" onclick="CaptureSignature();" value="Save" id="theButton" />
This command button doing two different functionality on a single click ie. saving pdf as well as capturing signature.Thankyou
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