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  • Hi Manpreet,

    Actionfunction: Using actionfunction we can call apex controller function directly from javascript.
    Actionsupport:Using actionsupport we can call apexcontroller on the basis of event(attribute in actionsupport) like onclick,onblur,onfocus,etc and can update the desired panel on the basis of event in vf page.
    Actionpoller:It acts as timer that send AJAX request based on the time interval specified in ms.
    Actionstatus:It shows the status of the AJAX request,mainly use to notify end-user that ajax request is processing(starttext) and when AJAX request completed(stoptext).


  • Suraj

    January 8, 2018 at 11:56 am in reply to: What is the difference between SaaS and PaaS concepts in Salesforce?

    Hi Suryadeep,

    IAAS stands for Infrastructure as a Service.
    It is the top layer on the multitenant architecture.
    Comprises Storage, Network, Servers.

    PAAS stands for Platform as a Service.
    It is the layer above the IAAS.
    Provide a platform to develop an application (execute code on top of the IAAS) using IAAS resources.

    SAAS stands for Software as a Service.
    It is the layer above PAAS.
    Comprises application for end users(like google apps, facebook)

  • Suraj

    May 30, 2017 at 11:11 am in reply to: Why CSS is not working in PDF created by Salesforce Visualforce?

    Hi Saurabh,

    You can move tour css style in Static Resources and Refer the Static Resource Css in VF Page

    <apex:styleSheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.Envelope)}" />

    Hope this will help you.

  • Suraj

    May 30, 2017 at 10:51 am in reply to: What is the benefit of Design tab in Aura Component in Lightning?

    Hi Mohit,

    Design tab in Aura Component in Lightning is Required for components used in the Lightning App Builder or Lightning Pages.


  • Hi Tanu,

    In order to pass data from one lightning Component to another Lightning Component You need to use Event.For e.g We have 2 component 1st take input From User and 2nd to Display value,So in this Scenario We need to pass data from 1st Component to 2nd Component.

    1. Create an Event and attribute to store value and also create an attribute in 2nd component to store the catched value.
    2. Register 1st Component to Event And Fire Event From JavascriptController
    3. Handle the event in 2nd Component Using aura:handler and set value in attribute(2nd component).
  • Hi Saurabh,

    Summary and joined reports can have up to three grouping levels. Matrix reports can have two row and two column groupings. For matrix reports, you can't use the same field for both row and column groupings. For joined reports, you can use the fields from the Common Fields category in the Fields pane to group across all report blocks.

    Hope this will help you.

  • Hi Manpreet,

    Data Storage
    For data storage, Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions are allocated the greater of 1 GB or a per-user limit. For example, a Professional Edition org with 10 users receives 1 GB, because 10 users multiplied by 20 MB per user is 200 MB, which is less than the 1 GB minimum. A Professional Edition org with 100 users receives more than the 1 GB minimum, because 100 users multiplied by 20 MB per user is 2,000 MB.

    File Storage
    Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions are allocated 10 GB of file storage per org.

    Orgs are allocated additional file storage based on the number of standard user licenses. In Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions, orgs are allocated 2 GB of file storage per user license. Contact Manager, Group, Professional Edition orgs are allocated 612 MB per standard user license, which includes 100 MB per user license plus 512 MB per license for the Salesforce CRM Content feature license. An org with fewer than 10 users will receive a total of 1 GB of per-user file storage rather than 100 MB per user license.

    Data and File Storage Limits

  • Hi Karen,

    force:inputField and force:outputField have always been provided the metadata definition of what the sObject was by their containing component

    The way to do this is to provide a default value object to the Account attribute, like this:

    <aura:attribute name=”account” type=”Account” default=”{ sobjectType: ‘Account’ }”/>

  • Suraj

    May 29, 2017 at 7:08 am in reply to: Explain any case in which

    Hi Manpreet,

    Action Support Tag in apex,supports "event" attribute which makes the ActionSupport to add AJAX support to another visualforce component and then call the controller method.For E.g.

    <apex:outputpanel id="outptpnl">
    <apex:outputText value="click here"/>
    <apex:actionSupport event="onclick" action="{!controllerMethodName}" rerender="pgblck" />

    Here action support adds AJAX to output panel, so once you click on output panel controller method will be called.

    Whereas,Action function cannot add AJAX support to another component. But from a particular component which has AJAX support(onclick, onblur etc) action function can be called to call the controller method.

    <apex:actionFunction name="myactionfun" action="{!actionFunMethod}" reRender="outptText"/>
    <apex:inputcheckbox onclick="myactionfun" />

    Hope this will help You.

  • Hi Mohit,

    Salesforce provide a checkbox to make the case comment public or private at the time of case comment creation.But By default this checkbox is not available.To Enable this Checkbox you need to Enable the Customer Portal.

    Before Enabling the Customer Portal 

    before case commnet

    After Enabling the Customer Portal


    Hope this will help You.

  • Hi Manpreet,

    Salesforce For Outlook is available in all the Salesforce Editions i.e. Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

    Salesforce ExCel Connector is Available in Enterprise and Unlimited Edition according salesforce doc available at this link.

    Mobile Lite is available for Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions for orgs created prior to Winter ’17 and Mobile app available for an extra cost in: Professional and Enterprise Editions for orgs created prior to May 1, 2016 Mobile app not available for orgs created in Winter ’17 or later.


  • Suraj

    May 29, 2017 at 3:52 am in reply to: Can we create Dependent Picklist in Salesforce?

    Hi Saurabh,

    Yes, we can create Dependent Picklist in Salesforce. Dependent Picklist contains two types of Field Controlling Field and Dependent Field.

    Controlling Field is the Field (1st picklist) which controls the value of another Field (2nd picklist).

    Dependent Field is the Field (2nd picklist) whose value is determined by the value of the controlling Field (1st picklist).

    Under Object management settings, click Field Dependencies to create Dependent Picklist.

    For more detail visit this Field Dependencies Link.

  • Hi Saurabh,

    The multi tenant platform uses governor limits to ensure that system resources are available to all customers and to prevent any one customer from monopolizing them. If a governor limit is exceeded, the associated execution governor limit issues a runtime exception that cannot be handled. When you design your applications, you can help plan for their growth by keeping these limits in mind.

    One of the limits customers frequently reach is the concurrent request limit. Once a synchronous Apex request runs longer than 5 seconds, it begins counting against this limit. Each organisation is allowed 10 concurrent long-running requests. If the limit is reached, any new synchronous Apex request results in a runtime exception. This behavior occurs until the organization’s requests are below the limit.

    Ultimately, this limit is in place to protect the user experience. Once the limit is reached, new synchronous Apex requests are denied. This behaviour can be disruptive to your work.

  • Hi Saurabh,

    Simply use the ALL ROWS clause.

    SELECT Id, isDeleted FROM <Oblectname> WHERE isDeleted = true All ROWS – This will only return the deleted rows.
    SELECT Id, isDeleted FROM <Oblectname> WHERE isArchived = true All ROWS – This will only return the archived rows.
    SELECT Id, isDeleted FROM <Oblectname> All ROWS – This will return the deleted records, archived records and records that are neither deleted nor archived (data set identical to the one returned by a SOQL not using ALL ROWS) as well.

  • Hi Manpreet,

    Use this code just set the index according to your requirement(how many element you want to see in the single page) and in vf page use the name of the list memList for rendering Elements.

    public class PageControlUpdated {
    public List<Contact> mem{get;set;}
    public Integer count {get;set;}
    public List<Contact> memList = new List<Contact>();
    public Integer index = 5;
    public Integer start = 0;
    public Boolean nextBool {get;set;}
    public Boolean prevBool {get;set;}

    public PageControlUpdated()

    memList = [SELECT name FROM Contact];
    count = [SELECT Count() FROM Contact];
    List<Contact> temp = new List<Contact>();
    prevBool = true;
    nextBool = false;}
    for(Integer i = start; i<index; i++)
    mem = temp;


    public void next()
    { if(count>5){
    index = index + 5;
    start = start + 5;}
    if(index > count)
    index = Math.Mod(count,5) + start;
    system.debug('Index is ' + index);
    nextBool = true;
    prevBool = false;
    List<Contact> temp = new List<Contact>();
    for(Integer i = start; i<index; i++)
    mem = temp;
    index = start + 5;
    List<Contact> temp = new List<Contact>();
    for(Integer i = start; i<index; i++)
    mem = temp;
    prevBool = false;

    public void previous()
    if(start > 5)
    index = index - 5;
    start = start - 5;
    List<Contact> temp = new List<Contact>();
    for(Integer i = start; i<index; i++)
    mem = temp;
    prevBool = false;
    nextBool = false;
    index = index - 5;
    start = start - 5;
    List<Contact> temp = new List<Contact>();
    for(Integer i = start; i<index; i++)
    mem = temp;
    prevBool = true;
    nextBool = false;

  • Hi Manpreet,

    First Query for products to show on vf page,Modify the Product2 Standard Object according to your Requirement like create a richtext area field to insert image of product ,create price field to store the price of the Product2.

    For selection of the Product you need to create wrapper class,Within Wrapper wrap the items that you want to know when user select the particular product like wrap Product2 object,Quantity Field,Price  in wrapper.Then add the products selected in the list of Wrapper Class type.

  • Hi Manpreet,

    Declaring variables as transient reduces view state size. A common use case for the transient keyword is a field on a Visualforce page that is needed only for the duration of a page request, but should not be part of the page's view state and would use too many system resources to be recomputed many times during a request.For e.g DateTime Field can be made transient.

    For more Detail use this link.

  • Suraj

    May 12, 2017 at 1:50 pm in reply to: What are the available Trigger contest variables in salesforce?

    Hi Saurabh,

    1. isExecuting Returns true if the current context for the Apex code is a trigger, not a Visualforce page, a Web service, or anexecuteanonymous() API call.
    2. isInsert Returns true if this trigger was fired due to an insert operation, from the Salesforce user interface, Apex, or theAPI.
    3. isUpdate Returns true if this trigger was fired due to an update operation, from the Salesforce user interface, Apex, or theAPI.
    4. isDelete Returns true if this trigger was fired due to a delete operation, from the Salesforce user interface, Apex, or theAPI.
    5. isBefore Returns true if this trigger was fired before any record was saved.
    6. isAfter Returns true if this trigger was fired after all records were saved.
    7. isUndelete Returns true if this trigger was fired after a record is recovered from the Recycle Bin (that is, after an undelete operation from the Salesforce user interface, Apex, or the API.)
    8. new Returns a list of the new versions of the sObject records.Note that this sObject list is only available in insert and update triggers, and the records can only be modified in before triggers.
    9. newMap A map of IDs to the new versions of the sObject records. Note that this map is only available in before update, after insert, and after update triggers.
    10. old Returns a list of the old versions of the sObject records.Note that this sObject list is only available in update and delete triggers.
    11. oldMap A map of IDs to the old versions of the sObject records.Note that this map is only available in update and delete triggers.
    12. size The total number of records in a trigger invocation, both old and new.
  • Hi Saurabh,


    • PageBlockTable should be define inside pageblock or pageblocksection.
    • PageBlockTable uses standard styles sheets to design a visualpage.
    • It has the  required attribute "value".
    • Column headers  will be displayed automatically.


    • No need to write inside pageblock or pageblocksection.
    • There is no required value.
    • The  data can be displayed using  custom style sheets.
    • we need to specify column headers explicitly.
  • Suraj

    May 12, 2017 at 1:40 pm in reply to: Write a syntax and structure of scheduler class in Salesforce?

    Hi Saurabh,

    global class ScheduleDemo implements Schedulable{
    global void execute(SchedulableContext sc){
    BatchClass b = new BatchClass();

    Hope this will help you.

  • Hi Saurabh,

    In Apex, you can use FOR UPDATE to lock sObject records while they’re being updated in order to prevent race conditions and other thread safety problems.
    While an sObject record is locked, no other client or user is allowed to make updates either through code or the Salesforce user interface.

    For example, the following statement, in addition to querying for two accounts, also locks the accounts that are returned:

    Account [] accts = [SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 2 FOR UPDATE];

  • Hi Saurabh,

    In Private Cloud, infrastructure is deployed and operated exclusively for an organization or enterprise. It may be managed by the organization or by an independent third party and may exist on-premise or off-premise at a hosting facility.
    Public Cloud infrastructure is available to public or many industry groups or customers. It is owned by the organizations promoting and selling cloud services. This can also be thought of as an “on-demand” and a “pay-as-you-go” environment where there are no on-site infrastructure or management requirements; however, the environment is no longer within the customer’s perimeter.

  • Hi Manpreet,


    Hope this will help You.

  • Suraj

    May 11, 2017 at 1:37 pm in reply to: For which data type we can enable external in Salesforce?

    Hi Manpreet,

    External Id only Support following Datatypes

    •  Number
    • Text
    • Email
  • Hi Manpreet,

    No, You can't use static variables to store value over multiple http request.

    You can use Custom Setting to Store value.

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