I am wondering if there is an easy way to dynamically query accounts based on the account having the primary FSE name attached to it. The Primary_FSE__c field is on the Installed Product Object, which is a related list to the account page. The thing I can't figure out is how to insert each FSE's name dynamically into the SOQL query at the bottom of this apex class. So where it states \'Tim Bowen%\', I need that to be where the query places the correct FSE on there (which is what the where id =:ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id) is referencing).
Dynamic SOQL allows simple bind variables to be hooked into the query. So providing you create a simple variable - fseLike in the code below - you can just use the normal bind syntax:
public static List<Account> getNearbyTech(Decimal latitude, Decimal longitude) {
String fseLike = sgm.name + '%';
String q = '...';
q += 'AND id in (select SVMXC__Company__c from SVMXC__Installed_Product__c '
q += 'where (Primary_FSE__c like :fseLike) AND ...';
return Database.query(q);
PS: Any values used in a remote action have to be passed from the client-side so you'll need to add the parameter and change the client-side to match (i.e. add '{!sgm.name}'to the JavaScript function parameter list):@RemoteAction
public static List<Account> getNearbyTech(String fse, Decimal latitude, Decimal longitude) {
String fseLike = fse + '%';
String q = '...';
q += 'AND id in (select SVMXC__Company__c from SVMXC__Installed_Product__c '
q += 'where (Primary_FSE__c like :fseLike) AND ...';
return Database.query(q);
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