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Dreamforce 2021 - Dates, Locations & All you Need to Know
The annual Dreamforce Conference of Salesforce is hosted in San Francisco. With approximately 170,000 participants (during non-COVID times) and several days of programming, it qualifies…

FEXLE at Dreamforce 2023: Mastering the Power of Salesforce Integration for Business Growth
The universe of Salesforce has shaken with the arrival of the largest conglomeration that is about to happen very soon. Dreamforce 2023 is finally here.…

Understanding sObjects in Salesforce: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction In the realm of Salesforce, sObjects play a crucial role in managing and manipulating data. Short for "Salesforce Objects," sObjects are the fundamental data…
Popular Salesforce Videos
Time-based Workflow Rules In Salesforce | Salesforce Tutorial
Learn all about time-based workflow rules in Salesforce. This tutorial will cover the following points - 1. Create A Workflow Rule Learn how a workflow…
How to use Salesforce Data to drive producivity and greater data capture
How do you encourage and drive better quality data entry into Salesforce by Salespeople? How do you use that data to drive productivity and proactive…
The Rising Demand for Salesforce Experts | Salesforce Careers
With more than 500,000 organizations using Salesforce to drive key business results, the market is brimming with opportunities for Salesforce certified professionals. A quick job…
Popular Salesforce Infographics

ABC's of Salesforce's Apex Coding Language
Apex is a proprietary language developed by Salesforce.com. It is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control…

The 10.5 Commandments of Salesforce Users
This great piece of visual goodness presents the 10 commandments every Salesforce user needs to follow. Make sure every single one of these practices is…

Sales trends and performance: ANZ versus global
Technology is pushing customer expectations to all-time highs and sales organisations into uncharted territory. Organisations worldwide are coping differently as sales trends change operations. Sales…