Salesforce Integration Crash Course | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integrations
In these 100 minutes, you are going to learn almost all the integration concepts with the help of 2 projects. You will learn about API, WebService, Callouts, Authentication, OAuth, Rest Webservices, Connected App, Named Credentials.
00:00 Salesforce Integration Crash Course
02:07 - What is Integration? Why do we need it?
02:55 - Integration Flow and Terminologies (Api, Endpoint, Webservice, Request, Response, Authorization)
05:24 - Web Services (Restful web services, Soap Webservice)
06:18 - Rest Webservice Methods (Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete)
07:56 - Projects Overview
09:46 - Making a Call to an Open API in the browser
11:15 - Using Postman to make a Get API Call
13:02 - Using Postman to make a Post API Call
15:06 - Using Authentication/OAuth/Bearer Token in Postman for Authorization
18:58 - Spoonacular API Overview
20:35 - Make HTTP Rest Callout from Salesforce Apex
26:45 - Unauthorized Endpoint / Remote Site Settings Error in Salesforce
29:15 - Get Spoonacular Webservice API Key
32:12 - Get random recipes from Spoonacular Webservice in Salesforce Apex
33:40 - Project #1 - Backend Implementation / Multiple Callouts from Apex
43:16 - Project #1 - Frontend - Creating Project UI with LWC
47:45 - Deploy Project #1 in your Salesforce Org
55:37 - Create a Rest Webservice in Salesforce Apex
1:02:03 - Get Salesforce Org's Base Url
1:03:55 - Call Apex Webservice using Postman
1:05:15 - Get Salesforce Session Id in Debug Logs
1:07:34 - Make Apex Callout using Session Id
1:12:46 - Connect 2 Salesforce Orgs
1:13:36 - Create a Connected App in Salesforce
1:15:26 - Create an Auth Provider in Salesforce
1:17:59 - Create a Named Credential in Salesforce
1:21:18 - Retrieve data from one Salesforce Org to another (Apex Rest Get Callout)
1:27:45 - Insert data from one Salesforce Org to another (Apex Rest Post Callout)
1:36:00 - Summary