Virtesio - Inspiring Salesforce Greatness
CompanyAbout Me
First Name | Virtesio |
Last Name | - Inspiring Salesforce Greatness |
Nickname | virtesio |
Additional Information
Headline | Virtesio - Inspiring Salesforce Greatness |
Biography | Virtesio provides solutions that help companies of all sizes to get the best out of Salesforce. Specializing in org health and ROI improvements, Virtesio is a growing organization with deep and extensive Fortune 500 (eBay/StubHub/Paypal) architecture experience. At Virtesio, we understand just how much the workplace is changing. The fast pace of the modern world has vastly altered the way we used to approach work. Lazy, overpaid consultants are increasingly being left behind and a new era of consultancy is born from their ashes The modern organization cannot afford to waste time and resources on these types of agencies. We encourage our team to see more than the box, to be creative in their solutions, and to apply corkscrew thinking to every ounce of their working day. On top of this, we are passionate about the potential for learning and growth within our workforce. We strive to ensure that our employees are not only happy, qualified, and equipped, but also that they are growing as people and as thinkers. If any of these questions resonate with you, please feel free to get in touch. - Am I getting the maximum return on investment (ROI) from my Salesforce implementation? - Do I have a strategic direction for Salesforce as an innovation platform? - What else could I use Salesforce for, given my employees already have licenses? - I have multiple Salesforce orgs, should I consolidate? - Business requests are taking too long to deliver? |
Website | |
AppExchange Profile URL | appexchange.salesforce.com/appxConsultingListingDetail?listingId=a0N3A00000G0z9DUAR |
Salesforce Consulting Partnership Level | Registered |
No of Employees | 0 - 9 |
Minimum Project Size | $1000+ |
Per Hour Billing Rate | $150 - $199 |
Country | USA |
State | Colorado |
City | Denver |
Zip Code | 45227 |
Contact URL |